Monday, March 31, 2014

Today’s Thought “Empirical Pursuit” G. Ward


“Then the mother of the sons of Zebedee came to Jesus with her sons, bowing down and making a request of Him. And He said to her, "What do you wish?" She said to Him, "Command that in Your kingdom these two sons of mine may sit one on Your right and one on Your left." Matthew 20:20-21

It’s been said by many, “Greg, you’re an excellent teacher, but not a preacher.” Can you say how ignorant? Any one of us can mimic the expression of the traditionalist, who uses great pantomime to elaborate on God’s word (minimally so), utilizing catchy phrases that demand verbal feedback from audiences. Those great captivators sharing what seemingly is God’s word (unadulterated) are said to be ANOINTED. The idiom “ignorance is bliss” may certainly be applicable here also. Believers have become horrible the more in perpetuating a hierarchal positioning that furthers man’s capabilities as something to behold vs. celebrating every giftedness (small or large) that seeks to honor Holy God (cf. 1 Cor. 12:4-7,14-19). So that Christendom would be clear, every believer is anointed (1 Jn. 2:27, "And as for you, the anointing which you received from Him abides in you (i.e. Holy Spirit), and you have no need for anyone to teach you, but as His anointing teaches you about all things, and is true and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you abide in Him"). The Anointed One, Christ, lives on the inside of you. Therefore whatever you desire in the way of kingdom work must have HIS signature to be effective…

Happy Monday (2 Ti. 2:15)!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Today’s Thought “Fashionista” G. Ward


 “To obtain an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you…” 1 Peter 1:4


Ladies, are you telling me that you spend hundreds on designer purses vs. facsimiles? Oh yes, I’m going there! Perhaps these are defense mechanisms from some, that echo a sentiment as follows: 1. “It’s not as if I’m requiring someone to purchase these for me, I work!” 2. “This is my only extravagance, outside of these costly purchases, I’m a bargain shopper” (sounds like my wife). 3. “No one is going to tell me how to spend my money!” 4. “I don’t ask for much.” 5. “In my circles, everyone sports designer bags, why should I look indifferent?” 6. “As long as I take care of my home and children sufficiently, what then is the problem?” 7. (The number of completion.) “Greg, stay far away from this! Just give us spiritual awareness!”

No matter how persuasive my discourse may be, I most certainly am aware that if the Holy Spirit’s constant nudging at our decisions (cf. Jn.16:8-10) goes violated, that my sphere of influence remains minuscule. I’m wondering how impetuous any of our castigations are concerning children obtaining $200 sneakers? Yeah but they don’t work (that’s number 8…)!

Happy Friday!  

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Today’s Thought “Just An Auditorium” G. Ward


“All that generation also were gathered to their fathers; and there arose another generation after them who did not know the Lord, nor yet the work which He had done for Israel.” Judges 2:10


Upon surrendering my life unto Christ; my zeal for knowledge of the wonderful Savior (Jesus) had me in attendance at practically every church meeting existent. Our worship center was small and most every meeting took place within that space. I recall meeting with a particular group and as usual my bible, notepad with portfolio would accompany me. My excitement was always heightened when I would hear the prayers of those seasoned veterans of faith. The prayers rendered by some in our Black culture can be very spirited. After our prayer, I recall one of the deacons reprimanding me (openly) for my placing my bible and notepad on the table utilized for holding the elements for practicing the Lord’s Supper. It wasn’t peaceable, but more lent itself to a condescending tone. Did you forget? I shared with you my being new in the faith. Prior to my surrender, reprimand and I had little to no connectivity. By the time I finished my discourse, up to sharing (with utter pomposity), “Now if any man builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, each man’s work will become evident; for the day will show it because it is to be revealed with fire, and the fire itself will test the quality of each man’s work” (1 Cor.3:12-13). I didn’t quote it exactly, but trust me, everyone got it.

I’m more spiritually mature now; so I would never yell again at a 92 year old man (LOL!). Moreover, we’re now in a time whereby respectability for the sacred things that are lost for a generation not familiar with Honor (Lord, forgive me)…

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Today’s Thought “Can’t Wait for Sunday Morn!” G. Ward


Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved.” Acts 2:46-47


There’s a song I’ve enjoyed for 36 years now. The lyrical content maintains a biblical proportion. The very first line of the refrain is, “We’ve got tonight! Who needs tomorrow? Let’s make it last, let’s find a way… (Bob Segar, We’ve Got Tonight, 1978).” I do understand the strong plea he desires to make is pertinent to love (particularly sensual), but I more enjoy the urgency of adopting the moment over exhaustive planning.

If you’ll flatter me in dichotomizing this song unto spiritual relativity, I’ll not keep you long. There’s a passage in Matthew, chapter 6, vs. 34 that teaches us that every opportunity in believer-ship is moment to moment (“So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”). Therefore, my familiarity with the anxiety for Christian’s designated worship day as anticipatory, I echo a Bob Segar kind of supplication: We all have today, who needs a worship center to gather when we all have a copy of Holy God’s word within our homes? The church given us in Acts 2, were so entirely elated with the gathering point (at large), that their insistence to convene became a daily plight. Can you say Home Bible Study? Are your children or grandchildren witnessing you come away from social networking and television long enough to consider what your LORD desires for you (cf. 2 Ti.2:15)?

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Today’s Thought “Phenomenal Growth” G. Ward


“And behold, one of those who were with Jesus reached and drew out his sword, and struck the slave of the high priest and cut off his ear.” Matthew 26:51


If I could turn back the hand of time I probably wouldn’t. At the same time, I’m very thankful to have made it through such events. My contemplations have led me to understand that if I had to endure same scenarios again, most assuredly my calculations of certain fulfillment would yield direct inerrancy, but new impropriety (of sorts) as eminent. I believe life has enough presentation ahead to consider venturing backwards. Today’s opportunity for me as a child of the Most High is to submit to my Father’s rule. Let me for a moment boast on HIM. He’s absolute perfection, so His guiding me leads me to streams whereby my thirst is quenched forever. Moreover, He understands my captivation with all that I see, so He allows my soul to meditate on His goodness, obliterating my insatiable appetite for the things of this world to dictate my being joyful. Furthermore, He’s given me a song to sing, maintaining a recurrent theme of how great His love for me is; so I’ll sing it all the day.

Some of my friends with earthly fathers have shared with me (many years ago) how their dads could lift extreme weight, run fast, or have excellent jobs enabling great provision. Those dads are either deceased, arthritic or collecting pensions. My Father however, is the Ancient of Days; limitless, for every generation and can be their Father also. I’d like to encourage the millions of siblings I have to share (Mt.28:19) with their friends how our Father has enough love to give every soul and desires them in the greatest family ever (cf. 2 Pe.3:9)!

Happy Tuesday!


Monday, March 24, 2014

Today’s Thought “Truth Applied” G. Ward


“But we do not want you to be uninformed, brethren, about those who are asleep, so that you will not grieve as do the rest who have no hope.” 1 Thessalonians 4:13


Prior to spiritual awakening, existent in me was an inability to be taught by everyone. I was opposed to learning from those who lacked an ability to immediately articulate information. If it sounded super authoritative for me, it was worth investigating. On the other hand, if the person maintained hesitation (via promulgation), it appeared unworthy to ingest. Upon my surrender to Christ, I realized His encountering mankind (through His earthly experience), never compelled Him to consider receiving them unto Himself with any special regard. His compassion always and yet seeks to present Himself as Sufficient (i.e. implicit trust); whereby man is without necessitation in climbing a mountain unconquerable.

Before examining the words from Holy God, I had a most excellent instructor; my own Mother. Her admonishing demanded, that what seemingly exists lacks authenticity when works reveal lethargy. Now she didn’t say it exactly like that but…

Happy Monday!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Today’s Thought “Negatively Pervasive” G. Ward


“God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?” Numbers 23:19


There’s despair in some concerning Holy God’s word and who wrote it. Periodically, it can carry deeper sociological implications for some ethnicities that feel left out. We’ve been so self-absorbed that we neglect seeing the essence of the letter from God unto mankind filled with “whoever will,” If any man,”etc. I believe upon 14th century’s invention of the printing press, the hand written expression on parchment celebrated more honor towards Holy God’s word.

We now have a new movie celebrating the death, burial and resurrection of Christ (The Son of God, produced by Mark Burnett and his wife Roma Downey). As minorities have been bombarded with many canvas depictions and great movies like The Ten Commandments and The Passion of Christ (featuring mostly those of European decent), there’s now a demand from some in this modernity for casting supervisors to employ minorities (i.e. not just those who have Hispanic or Anglo within their family scope, while appearing very Caucasian) with intentional diversity. Furthermore, when some are not granted this, boycott becomes eminent.

If I hear another Black militant declare that the bible perpetuates man’s oversight, it will be too soon! The bible is without errors or speculation, so no man is capable of such authorship. The geography of the bible has predominantly embraced the Middle East; so if a White man wrote it Black Hebrews and those of the Nation of Islam, I believe he would have thrown more Europe in it. This unfortunately is the very sociological contamination I prefaced this thought with. The reverberation of sociological disenfranchisement of some can cause great embitterment. Moreover (if he wrote it), shouldn’t he have deleted how Holy God regards no man over another, but loves us all the same. Well, I’m so thankful that Holy God is the Author (cf. 2 Ti.3:16-17)! Why don’t all you naysayers insist that Tyler Perry or Spike Lee make a movie honoring Christ vs. some illicit behaviors we’ve seen from their productions (NO HE DIDN’T)?

Happy Friday!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Today’s Thought “Spelling Bee” G. Ward


“Was it from you that the word of God first went forth? Or has it come to you only?” 1 Corinthians 14:36


I was in the fifth grade. Our teacher (Mrs. Nelson) epitomized what good teaching should demand – excellence. Moreover, her physicality was intimidating for a ten year old; leaving little to no room for being unsuccessful. I must admit to you that on a personal note, I was a high achiever prior to becoming her student, but her enthusiasm (i.e. craft) enabled an educational prowess existent in me on today.

Spelling was an important segment in our English class. Rarely, if at all would I score less than 100%. That year (1910 or so) was the year for our spelling bee at that school. Competing’s contingency involved only those students proficiently proven in their perspective grades. Our school was parochial, covering grades 1 through 8. At the actual spelling bee, there were 4 representatives from our class (me as one). When we arrived at the venue, I was pleased to see my brother and sister there representing their classes (we really weren’t smart kids, we just had abusive parents…). There was no second chance offered to those who misspelled words. I witnessed many going back to their classrooms, including my brother and sister. The very round before my dismissal, invited me to spell a word to which I studied prior to; Deus ex machina (pronounced Deus eks ˈmaː.kʰ]. Without hesitance, I spelled it (I’m so glad they didn’t ask me to define it! Furthermore, why is it in the English dictionary anyhow?). Well, as many of you who know me would suppose, this created an arrogance that would become my ruin. My next word was cooperate. This was like spelling cat for an English professor for me. I boldly proclaimed, “coperate!” The facilitator said “wrong!” Tears and more tears and more tears. I couldn’t believe it. Such a simple word, but I lacked cooperation with humility (pun intended). I’m fifty something now and I just got over this experience last year…

Happy Thursday (How’s that for “Throwback Thursday?”)!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Today’s Thought “Nosy Neighbors” G. Ward

“And to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life and attend to your own business and work with your hands, just as we commanded you, so that you will behave properly toward outsiders and not be in any need.” 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12


There’s a paradigm created by some insisting that a neighbor viewing the entirety of what may/or may not be going on at one’s home, as violating. While for some others (like me), we are so entirely disinteresting that no imposition is perceived.

The church (seemingly) has more adopted a secular view of privatized behaviors (that perpetuates a notion of someone as nosy) more than transparency. This adoption desires our being perceived as complex, while unnecessarily vigilant on a battlefield non-existent. Although we’re admonished to exemplify Christ and His righteousness (realizing He had nothing to hide), we maintain a multiplicity of personality traits that should have our physicians prescribing Alprazolam (Xanax). Those who submit to the things of the Spirit only seek to hide themselves; that the Holy God in them would shine forth (cf. Ps.91:1, Mt.5:16, Gal.5:16).

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Today’s Thought “The Mediocrity of Misunderstanding” G. Ward


“Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.” 3 John 2:1


I’m walking down an avenue, to then discover a good friend I served in ministry with. Our hearts are glad with remembrance of the continuity in believer-ship that sought making Christ preeminent to everything. This refreshing was mutual, causing our individual reminiscence of so many blockades in what should have been far easier to dispel; Truth (Jn.14:6). This elation I felt very particularly, desired my friend’s well being so the gospel he disseminated would carry forth (in view of so many who say they know HIM, but never bring salvation to anyone. Cf. 1 Jn.5:3). I then opened my mouth. My words: Hey my dear friend! It’s so very good to see you! I pray that all is well with you and your family? My excitement in seeing you will compel me to pray for your health so that many would come to know the Lord.

This fiction is analogous of John’s great salutation to his friend Gaius (see passage above). We now have terrible theologians promoting improper doctrine by suggesting as a result of a mere greeting, Holy God doesn’t want you sick. Tell that to Mary and Martha’s brother Lazarus in John 11:1-4, “Now a certain man was sick, Lazarus of Bethany, the village of Mary and her sister Martha. It was the Mary who anointed the Lord with ointment, and wiped His feet with her hair, whose brother Lazarus was sick. So the sisters sent word to Him, saying, “Lord, behold, he whom You love is sick.” But when Jesus heard this, He said, “This sickness is not to end in death, BUT FOR THE GLORY OF GOD SO THAT THE SON OF MAN MAY BE GLORIFIED BY IT.”  Watch out my prosperity villains! You mean Holy God causes some to be sick so HE can be glorified? That what it says…

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Today’s Thought “Good for the Goose and the Gander?” G. Ward


“For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false.” 2 Thessalonians 2:11


Insomnia is the worst attack for many, including me. As a result of my experience at 2:30 a.m., I sought viewing some religious programming from the hundreds of stations we have. Unlike the populous, I’m able to discern heresy because of my intimacy with Holy God’s word (cf. 1 Jn.4:1). Please don’t construe this as a typical response from believers today when they suggest theirs (discernment, that is) lends itself to deciphering jargon along with untruth outside of God’s word; that’s called soothsaying (which is antithetical to Holy God’s word, cf. Dt.18:9-12).

Getting back to my surfing channels; I came upon a young Asian Pastor with a great amount of charisma. I’ve seen him many times on the airwaves. He compels thousands in his audience towards the things of God (seemingly) but rarely if at all embraces a copy of God’s word. The robot on Lost in Space (Television Series 1965–1968) would exclaim, “Warning Will Robinson!” As there are not many roads that lead to eternal life, there is no mechanism outside of God’s word for any supposed preacher of HIS word. If any of us were to live an additional thousand years, our familiarity with HIM would be unsearchable (cf. Job 9:10-12). The bible is not a set of soliloquies to rehearse then open to greater philosophy. It is Holy God speaking to mankind (2 Ti.3:16-17). Moreover, this nonsense of promulgating the same success to thousands in any given audience (when there are hundreds plagued with un-resolved sin) is a sure sign a heretic reigns. As a pastor, I just preach Truth (Jn.14:6) from the bible. Less narcissism, more Jesus! He’s more than enough…

Happy Monday!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Today’s Thought “How Am I Regarded?” G. Ward


“But immorality or any impurity or greed must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints; and there must be no filthiness and silly talk, or coarse jesting, which are not fitting, but rather giving of thanks.” Ephesians 5:3-4


Have you ever sought conveying words to then open your mouth and make absolutely no sense at all? My own mishap in verbalizing anything will often stumble when I over compensate for another’s verbosity. I don’t know why I feel a need to help defend absolute rhetoric; particularly when my thoughts of ordinary would remain silent.

I’ve learned over the years how best to absorb without being unnecessarily analytical. Sure, although I examine everything critically (1 Th.5:21), my findings are mostly without a challenge. I’ve discovered that people do the best they can, with what they have and often times, their expressions can/will reveal their emptiness.

I’ve determined today to never invite my foot’s entry into my mouth. The over compensator I’ve become desires everyone be received (cf. Jas.2:1-6), but it can’t be at the expense of my appearing foolishly loquacious…

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Today’s Thought “Imputed Expectancy” G. Ward


“Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds.” James 1:2


What a song! I’m speaking of Pharrell’s musical genius in producing what is currently a number one tune in America, Happy! With this song he describes several scenarios that could lead to despair, but his mindset insists he remain impervious to such pessimism (because He’s Happy).

It’s a wonderful perspective to enjoy, but we must know that our humanity forecasts our juxtaposition in euphoria as inconsistent. The very aim or pursuit of happiness can be off-kilter; particularly when happiness is sought in ideologies (cf. Dt.4:29, Ps.34:4). A pursuit of happiness may seemingly be argumentative, but an actuality in believer-ship (Then he said to them, “Go, eat of the fat, drink of the sweet, and send portions to him who has nothing prepared; for this day is holy to our Lord. Do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10). Looking for happiness in other sources (other than Holy God) is the insatiability found in mankind that promotes gluttony and a disconcerting heart. Happy is really just a song of temporal aspirations. Joy, on the other hand, celebrates difficulties presented; knowing greater character is soon to follow…


Happy Tuesday!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Today’s Thought “Six Minutes Doug E. Fresh…” G. Ward


“For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome.” 1 John 5:3


I had no issue with early hip-hop music. It was fun. The lyrical content exacted scenarios indicative of common improprieties caused by some who neglected to think before they acted. Kurtis Blow (perhaps the most popular and also the first to gain national recognition), was a great pioneer of rap. He produced various songs without using any expletives and no illicit innuendos. This genre of music was acceptable by the masses until one group (2 Live Crew), sought to infringe on common decency by appealing to the appetites of the immoral. It (their production) made you long for innuendos in lyrical content. Freedom (constitutionally speaking) in speech can be arguably precarious. Comparatively, it may not always involve one shouting “fire” in a crowded theatre, but can impact generations following with an ideology that maintains, do what you feel, even if it violates another. I miss the ambiguity of songs like “Afternoon Delight” (The Starland Vocal Band). Most of us sang that song not realizing it as entirely illicit because we were compelled in imaginative prowess vs. direct exposure (translation = Gregory was just slow)…


Happy Monday!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Today’s Thought “Wardrobe Malfunction” G. Ward


“Does not nature itself teach you that if a man wears long hair it is a disgrace for him.” 1 Corinthians 11:14


We (my brother and I) were eight and nine years old. It was very few days before our last week at school and time for our bi-weekly haircut. The barber shop to which we frequented would ordinarily be trustworthy in delivering great cuts, but this day turned disastrous. The era promoted men wearing their hair longer. Black men escalated from wearing what we referred to as the “Do” or “Conk” (The conk (derived from congolene, a hair straightener gel made from lye) was a hairstyle popular among African-American men from the 1920s to the 1960s. Wikipedia) to then sport the “Natural” or “Afro.”

Our visit on this particular day was typical. It was a Saturday. The shop was busier than ever, so our parents allowed us to remain un-chaperoned. We sat anticipating all the exciting possibilities of achieving the masterful haircuts rendered to so many on that day (wanting desperately to get a “Blow-Out” (A process of taking nappy hair into greater length via tremendous heat applied) but couldn’t afford it). In those days children were without choices on how they could celebrate varied genres (hair, dress, or music). The instruction from our parents were clear and so when our turn to occupy the barber chair presented itself, all the instruction given the barber meant nothing. Both my brother and I walked out of that shop as “Leathernecks” (i.e. Marines) at the very beginning of basic training. Although my acceptance of this fiasco understood my hair would grow quickly, my brother sat in the barber chair crying profusely. He was contemplating the embarrassment he was soon to suffer from school mates. As he was crying, I was embarrassed. I demanded from my brother, “Stop all that crying!” He stopped long enough to tell me to “shut up!” I certainly didn’t want to continue my plight in disquieting this situation; especially considering we had to walk home together approximately one mile. Incidentally, the walk home was quiet.

Some years later my brother became a real “Leatherneck” (i.e. U.S. Marine) and so the haircut once hated, was soon re-visited. I believe this is why my brother cuts his own hair to date. My days at the barbershop have been over for quite some time now, but in retrospect, the covatis (cf. U. S. Marine cut) once experienced, I would appreciate now…

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Today’s Thought “Still Amazed” G. Ward


The Lord smelled the pleasing aroma and said in his heart: “Never again will I curse the ground because of humans, even though every inclination of the human heart is evil from childhood. And never again will I destroy all living creatures, as I have done. “As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.” Genesis 8:21-22


Almost 34 years ago upon coming to this land, I didn’t contemplate what culture and climate would present. It was early summer, so it was hot both in Michigan and Georgia; therefore no preparation was necessary. The days quickly introduced autumn, then winter. “Houston, we have a problem!” In Michigan, spring and summer attire was placed at the back of the closet. In Georgia, you made it readily available.

For years I would call my countrymen to share the warm temperatures we were experiencing here. The envy from the party sought via telephone was obvious. My braggadocious attitude never sought continuity with anyone in those days. I knew it brought to surface great discontentment with climatic conditions in Michigan (can you say rubbing salt in their wounds?).

I’m sorry, I neglected to expound on culture. I loved the south! Everyone had great salutations and sought giving directions fearlessly (although they knew no street names). What seemingly was a personal unique boast unto my friends and relatives, had to be the boast from many (who relocated) above the Mason-Dixon Line.

Because of our great stupidity as braggarts, most current residents of metropolitan Atlanta are now from another region. Culture is altogether varied and some brought snow and ice…

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Today’s Thought “Bouts With Difficulty” G. Ward

“When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” Matthew 9:36

We’re bombarded with a religious view that disallows transparency of personal feelings. It demands our faith as weak and senseless. It precludes that if one is temporarily contained therein, absolute recall in our conqueror status (cf. Ro.8:37) simply needs revival.

There could certainly be components of these castigations that hold true. Furthermore, greater contemplative review of Holy God’s graciousness towards man can minimize despair. I however, prefaced this thought by equating this assessment (or over-simplifying great trouble) of one being depressed or confused as a religious view vs. the practicality of resolve for every believer, because our best model is the Savior’s approach in Matthew, chapter 9, verse 35 “Jesus was going through all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness.” Perhaps some of those were experiencing distress in their souls? Many of my charismatic friends will take these wonderful passages out of context and will immediately purchase vials of oil, anointing heads of many, failing to understand that all those healed by the Master’s touch inevitably DIED by every kind of disease and every kind of sickness. STOP with the simple answers and just make yourself available to their cry (cf. Mt.9:35a)!

 Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” Matthew 9:37

Happy Tuesday!