Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Today’s Thought “Commonly Expressed, Wholly Violated” G. Ward

Psalm 23:1 “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.”

The Baby-Boomer generation along with generations prior could recite what presumably is the Lord’s Prayer (actually meant for HIS disciples) on demand. The major emphasis however first sought total dependence on Holy God and while reverencing HIM became the sentiment in familiarity that witnessed our clasped hands and bowed heads, soon would encounter predominant teachings that embraced reliance on common sense principles along with independent thought. Moreover, we proudly proclaimed Psalm 23, receiving great accolades from men, that again insisted our beings line up with sole guidance from our Maker (cf. Pr.16:1) to violate the inference of the whole of man’s comparability to sheep (a dumb animal needing guidance).

We’re now at an era whereby both of these spiritual expressions are rarely recited and the refusal to be governed is celebrated and we can’t wait to mid-term elections so that our varied legislators can grant us peace on value systems unrecognizable in the heavenlies.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Today’s Thought “On the Front Row…” G. Ward

Revelation 21:4He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”

There’s surety in ceremony whereby the living grieve their loved one’s departure. The preliminary in pomp and circumstance has many with tremendous expressions of sympathy that includes bringing too much food onto the homes of the bereaved as if the appetites of those depressed are gargantuan. The culminating ceremony is sometimes referred to as shedding closure. Reasonable compassion however, may interrogate one’s own recall in losing close friends or family whereby ceremony never contemplated those miserable days or years following.

America’s chant of “what a shame” that devotes cases of water, fried chicken and monetary gifts, must never become the substitute that attains to the feather in the cap syndrome, but must consider walking alongside the weak as we too have been granted greater grace (1 Thess.5:11). Praying for The Tree of Life Synagogue…

Monday, October 29, 2018

Today’s Thought “Pittsburgh Pirate” G. Ward

Romans 1:20  For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.”

There were no disguises; he arrived as himself; in a season where Halloween reigns supreme. The fame he sought equaled mission accomplished. It was a feat in hatred towards perceived indifference, obliterating the lives of a peaceable people. Unfortunately, he won’t be the last purveyor of divisiveness that destroys (cf. Jas.3:5-6), because there’s existential division within every scope of man. While he celebrates without contrast the apple tree vs. a pear tree, the portrayal in physicality, along with religious misunderstanding perpetuates separatism, only to unify when calamity and destruction happens.

Race is a social construct, and all who allow the infestation of scholarship to portray differences therein denies our only existential reality – “God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them” (Ge.1:27). Faith more seeks to unify with spiritual lenses given the new man that trusts implicitly (2 Cor.5:7). God doesn’t need our favors… Shalom!


Thursday, October 25, 2018

Today’s Thought “Drinks for Everyone!” G. Ward

2 Chronicles 15:5-7 “In those times there was no peace to him who went out or to him who came in, for many disturbances afflicted all the inhabitants of the lands. Nation was crushed by nation, and city by city, for God troubled them with every kind of distress. But you, be strong and do not lose courage, for there is reward for your work.”

Residing in a land flowing with milk and honey may forget the Owner’s demand over a wavering, predominant message. Then, there are the visuals so entirely captivating, extending hope beyond present measure found in others seemingly with more, appealing to insatiability found in man and unrelenting determination that insists having the object in desire will shed completion (cf. 2 Sa.11:2-5).

Adaptations unto great crowds may soon witness the many under tremendous collapse; whereas unilateral trust of the Owner’s demand promotes peace (cf. Mt.7:13-14).

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Today’s Thought “The Great Escape” G. Ward

Proverbs 10:9Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out.”

President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s inaugural address contained a most excellent slogan for Americans to adopt; particularly in that time of economic uncertainty, “Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself.” This eloquent leader would seek to lead by preeminently stating truth not politics in false hope. He utilized the term to describe 1930’s years of stock market failure that lent to the Depression era as enduring “common difficulties.” Moreover, he portrayed it as solely material. Boldly, his spiritual discourse sought to have every listener to reflect on the pestilences and famines instituted by Holy God unto a people disobedient whereby escape wasn’t possible. Amazingly, in what’s been a little over eight decades ago, the modern day politician may seek to invite others unto a biblical observation, but would be misunderstood because spiritual foundation has been horribly un-investigated for our times.

The encouragement for today rests entirely on our being awakened on today (cf. Phil.1:6). The blessings therein may certainly include tangibles (cf. Mt. 6:19-21), but have more to do with having Sufficiency on our side. That reliance must never be superficial, but compelled by the love given us by our Creator. When truth becomes our insistence, we’re then faced with all our propositions in subjectiveness soon to lose strength that warrants our return unto Shelter. Please come out of the rain…

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Today’s Thought “Plotting A Murder” G. Ward

2 Corinthians 5:20 “Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.”

Believing understands the object to where one’s faith exists. Moreover, that conviction establishes a practice unto any whereby consideration of another standard is not an option. It’s comparable to a track and field athlete maximizing his training by preparing for an event to then be told by their coach at last moments to hurry towards the volleyball court, forgetting the foot race.

Believing in Christ must understand one’s own reconciliation HE provided so as to become new. The product thereafter rests on Holy God’s words through them; along with actions that pleasures Him. The church (i.e. any who believe) are afforded an inference as “the bride.” The term’s comparability establishes that a wedding of sorts took place when we said “I do” unto Christ’s sufficiency and many of us deny intimacy unto our Husband, allowing others to know more about Him, while demanding He lives at our address (*cf. 1 Jn.2:3-6).

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Today’s Thought “Am I Too Old for Halloween?” G. Ward

James 4:7Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”

Halloween has become the commercialized holiday the religious abhor. For them it’s indicative of satanic influence in the world. Moreover, it’s shamefully (that being their criticism) become the substitute for real Love demonstrated (Mt. 28:19). Christmas however is the holiday for the religious with quintessential, celebratory praise that has a lengthy seasonal devotion, and although the commercialization therein leaves so many depleted of monies, reminds those with horrid support systems that love seems so far away and is entirely without fundamental spiritual origin, mankind insists on its supremacy over other pagan worship; while witches, vampires and goblins remain synonymous with the Devil dressed in red carrying a pitch-fork (*the children just want the candy). Any pursuant to forgiveness through Christ should be reminded that deception is rarely ugly (in human terms – cf.*Eph.6:12). Satan was compelled to earth solely from this demand found in Ezekiel 28:17 - Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor.” We too can become so infatuated with our intelligence while striving to fulfill selfish desire that denies Holy God’s imagery to shine through. The day presented us is not for others to be condemned, but to know HIS grace remains sufficient…

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Today’s Thought “Unacceptable Colonization” G. Ward

Matthew 24:1-5 Jesus left the temple and was going away, when his disciples came to point out to him the buildings of the temple. But he answered them, “You see all these, do you not? Truly, I say to you, there will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down.” As he sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the close of the age?” And Jesus answered them, “See that no one leads you astray. For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and they will lead many astray.

I remain perplexed as a second generation recipient of this illustrious television era. In times past, we witnessed shows that portrayed a talking horse, a family lost in space and a genie discovered on a beach by a young handsome astronaut who denied opportunity of a predominant desire of every young boy. Soon thereafter, the populous was ushered into Technicolor. Television sales skyrocketed thereafter. We were then on a quest unbeknownst to man that would addictively pervade on mankind a non-communicative ideology that awaits more technological advancement. A wrist watch now grants any opportunity to receive news and movies at an instant. We’ve seemingly come a long way while forgetting common hospitality. Moreover, the picturesque visuals of Ozzie and Harriet seated at a kitchen table with Wally and the Beave has become an unconscionable practice unto varied microwave meals received in resident’s individual abodes as their reliance on a Wi-Fi signal is captivating.

While young people question my desire to watch Gunsmoke and Rifleman in black and white via networks purporting old television, I too am bothered on how viewing the salacious television of their demand now found even in cartoons. Hey Baby-Boomers, we’re becoming obsolete! Are you with eternal security? *Believing is nullified when you refuse to be owned by HIM (*Ro.10:9)…

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Today’s Thought “The Invisible, Shrinking Man” G. Ward

2 Timothy 3:16All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness...”

Malfeasance found in leaders shouldn’t determine whether a follower thereunto contributes righteously. Every life should seek maturity (Mt.5:48), but not in argumentative precepts that are subject to change (comparable to cell phone evolvement year to year). Our aim should embody the peace personified in the senior citizen, who remains comfortable (not complacent) with the more foundational principles demonstrated by many generations prior.

As any may insist on institutions to uphold banners of righteousness for their own to be governed by, the mode given man for adherence is with everlasting qualities that mandates every follower submit in such a way to please their Maker, whereby institution’s profitability naturally increases (Ps.37:5).

Monday, October 15, 2018

Today’s Thought “Young, Gifted and…” G. Ward

Proverbs 1:2-4 “To know wisdom and instruction, To discern the sayings of understanding, To receive instruction in wise behavior, Righteousness, justice and equity; To give prudence to the naive, To the youth knowledge and discretion.”

Heaven has been so generous to me. My God has given me the blessing of recall. He knew grief best in His Son’s sacrifice for mankind as extreme, but gave so lovingly anyhow.

Recently, I had a best friend go to heaven. Her long term sickness that ended had so many confounded because Holy God granted her great endurance in the presence of many. I’m reminded on this morning of an email exchange I had with her whereby her expressive transparency with me as her Brother/Pastor shared tremendous grief over such a bleak prognosis rendered. My encouragement for her sought to extinguish anticipating death, but to more foresee a future hope promised based on our confession of the Savior as Sufficient (*Ro.8:18).

I was so elated to view her 21 year old only son attend worship service on yesterday. If my grief remains great… I encouraged him to never shun her voice within (cf. Deut.6:4-7). Vigilance is the compelling that remains central to obliterating the depression component of grief. While so many tears will continue to flow, it never precludes my trust in God’s sovereign will.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Today’s Thought “That A Boy!” G. Ward

1 John 3:17 “But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him?”

Awaiting accolades from the next seemingly successful generally extends hearty congratulations unto their accomplishments until it reaches into mine own pocketbook. The echoes in sympathetic sentiment placating with seven words or less concerning the storms of life plaguing others, along with numerous hurricanes of recent times, won’t ever substitute an ongoing care that witnesses the storm passing over in the lives of the less fortunate. Find a legitimate, benevolent organization whereby your contribution hits lethargy upside the head. While Holy God created us to be wholly/holy dependent on HIM, He also proposed interdependence unto conformity…

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Today’s Thought “Three Days Without A…” G. Ward

2 Corinthians 7:10For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death.”

The essence of cleaning up that to which I’ve destroyed is the elephant in the room too heavy warranting removal. There is however a spiritual way provided man where rest from impossibility thinking exists. It involves recognition in why the Savior of the world arrived (in earth) on His own volition in the first place. Mankind’s efforts in unsanctified remorse always demands ongoing recapitulation, whereas surrender (of every deficiency) unto God’s Sufficiency through Christ will soon experience HIS loving care that washes permanently and regret can’t exist. Who then is “Great” particularly as that same term contrasts the original composition (*Ge.2:7) of man? Cast your honorarium towards heaven’s rule and be guarded from a generation seeking to be esteemed among men by admitting how without Holy God my ship on the seas of life will soon sink.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Today’s Thought “Mid-Term Elections” G. Ward

Now the main point in what has been said is this: we have such a high priest, who has taken His seat at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens, a minister in the sanctuary and in the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, not man.

Among the many responsibilities I share with fellow Pastors, there’s one seemingly with great opportunity to pervade faith in Christ unto those attendees; it’s the illustrious INVOCATION. The minister is invited to recite an inspirational discourse or prayer to help govern the event’s peace. I’ve been invited to do so at this year’s Georgia Gubernatorial rally within the county to which I reside. Political rallies now involve big names purporting great offensive measures, along with tremendous media coverage that minuscules this preacher boy’s message and while some prepare by asking Holy God to allow HIS servant’s eloquence to shine through, I choose to just pray that no matter the partisan politics, or lack in continuity in social advocacy, our LORD be recognized in HIS marvelous transcendence of man’s objective to conquer what seemingly is so entirely oppressive for society, without examination of the ONE who desires granting peace while those of us in earth are exposed (cf. Jer.17:9) to the constant bombardment of man’s impropriety (*Ro.8:18).

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Today’s Thought “Skeleton In My Closet” G. Ward

Genesis 2:7 “Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.”


Why dust, the equivalent of dirt? One shower before leaving for the gym, another after the workout and finally the one before bedtime. Perhaps extreme for some, but necessary for most. The composition of man rarely contemplates the “why” in Holy God’s decision to use dust vs. something more foundational. Moreover, boasts of being created in His image is not solely our physical existence in earth, but embraces the awesome love of the Father who breathed in us that established real life (eternal presence – cf. Heb.13:5), ensuring every generation hope beyond the measurement of all we can see or touch. I choose to worship HIM.

On my way to purchase more soap…

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Today’s Thought “Collapsing Under Stress” G. Ward

Acts 20:35 “In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

I’ve heard it a million times, “Gregory, you’re a man first, then a Pastor.” Must I accept permission to lean further to mine own understanding, or quickly recapitulate towards directives from the All-Wise Savior? People of faith, particularly in Christ, experience spiritual transformation that embraces the entirety of what “new life” represents.  Formulatively and interrogatively, their new found quest should insist on becoming who their Redeemer proposes (*Mt.16:24). While it may sound prudent to accept notions of ordinary personage, we must never forget that exercise is exacerbating futility that never instructs after my demise that sends others to an eternal separation from the LORD who loves them the most and echoes of R.I.H., along with the newly celebrated posturing that wishes those who have died, “Happy Heavenly Birthday” although prevalent on the obituary and social network’s paging won’t guarantee (*Lk.6:46-49)…

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Today’s Thought “Suicide On the Rise” G. Ward

Romans 2: 28 For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh. 29 But he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that which is of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter; and his praise is not from men, but from God.

Currently, I’m on my way to the gym. It’s become routine, particularly as I endeavor senior-hood. I’m more determining that emotional conditioning outweighs physical in that, varied aches, along with prognosis of sorts may disallow rigorous physical exercise, whereas the mind can undergo greater conditioning. Moreover, there are blessings in that soulful training that should reflect on how I’ve been spared from past insatiable ideas in materialism, along with desire to be esteemed by man (cf. Mt.10:28).

The day given me more understands the insufficiency of pursuits outside of the solace my Lord provides when I hide behind His eternal presence.