Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Today’s Thought “What If I Don’t Have a Chimney?” G. Ward John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life.” There’s a theological measurement worthy to explore in this familiar passage that can offer a wrongful charge when study is neglected. The language appears concise (and is), but there’s a key expression of love appearing past tense, when actually ongoing. Our Father is loving the universe HE created. HE therefore invites us to participate in the same (1John 4:7-8). Our residing in such a rich nation, allows an exercise in fiscal discipline several months before Christmas and whereas last moment shopping becomes necessary with numerous gatherings planned, that includes great benevolence from so many that ensures those attendees know of their genuine care for them. How fortunate we are in such a celebratory time; but have we given much thought to the universe our Father is still loving? Many countries are with missionaries who steadfastly forsake familial opportunity in gathering as they increase newest family in the strange land of their commissioning by disseminating Truth (John 14:6) and proving the love in our theme. We tend to be somewhat self-absorbed when reading passages with equal similitude of John 3:16 and whereas the teacher would incite awareness to a student appearing aloof to his/her efforts to educate them by insisting they knew that as an educator they’ve pinnacled in the subject matter presented, it’s now become their (the student’s) opportunity to adjust accordingly. In other terms, we’ve delighted in all our Savior has given, so let’s ensure others have the same.

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