Wednesday, August 29, 2012

High and Lifted Up

Today’s Thought High and Lifted Up G. Ward

“Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father.” John 14:12

In my ministerial life I’ve had some huge opportunities in expressing the things of Holy God. Many of the platforms afforded me were altogether overwhelming, particularly leading up to the promised event. The first 2 minutes (via speech) seemingly can be the most difficult, because the responsibility to remain obscure is always the focal point for the one seeking to glorify Holy God. Moreover, the disseminator of Truth knows the power in belonging far more than the hearer, because theirs is an implicit trust in the One soon to be portrayed, even with a manuscript (i.e. is it concise and succinct?).

There however can be a problem with some who are afforded a special venue (particularly in this church culture) with an audience placating a great feedback with the message presented. Too many amens or hallelujahs may very well subtract from an earnest desire in seeing honor and glory extended to God alone (cf. Ro. 12:3). Also it can promote a self-sufficiency on a next statement that could violate the entirety of the discourse presented.

Jesus, our more excellent example, lent Himself to nothing outside great surrender (Mk.1:35). He didn’t depend on His eloquence, nor did His delivery with any discourse (through parable, soliloquy, or otherwise) derive from man’s accolades towards Him. He shared because of His compassion towards man (Mt.9:36, 2 Pe.3:9). *Although He shared, we should remember that His ministry opportunity was a limited one in earth (only as to time), because He was soon to be with the Father (Jn.14:12). Be careful to know that the greater things He spoke about don’t speak to an empowerment that would match His, but would lend itself to a continuation in discipling others (in Christ). We’re nothing apart from Him (Ps.15:1, Jn.15:5) and our being like Him comes when we get to where He is (but we’re still on this earth). Please don’t let your defense mechanisms dictate your pursuit in eliminating sin in your life because you feel you can’t attain towards perfection, so I’ll let frivolity withstand.  You’re called to be perfect, so keep pressing (Php.3:12-14, Jas.1:4)!  Until then, know this; “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord.9 “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways And My thoughts than your thoughts” (Isa.55:8-9).

Happy Wednesday!

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