Thursday, July 7, 2022

Today’s Thought “A Star for One Day” G. Ward Matthew 6:33 “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” How then can any juxtapose aspiration accurately without egoism? I’m with recall of a day wherein my being a kid in downtown Detroit and being approached by an adult with a portfolio in hand, along with a microphone insisting that on whatever day it was I’d star in a commercial. For those skeptics who say this could have been a perverted ploy unto child trafficking, it hadn’t become popular yet. They would usher me 75 ft., or so (nearer to the Riverfront), particularly as I agreed to do so and upon my star gazed mindset in seeing television cameras, along with an entire Hollywood set, hundreds of Gregorys’ stood with the same look. We were there in what appeared all day long and yes, the commercial was aired in what appeared to be a decade later and whereas I was a star in my own mind, the view on television was so short, that those to whom I shared (boast-fully so) would never see me among the hundreds (especially in view of the largest television of that era being a 25-inch screen – with rabbit ears and aluminum foil wrapped around them). While the things of Matthew 6:33 appear a welcomed pursuit of earthen realities, they’re not; it’s so much more. The Heavenly care provided any who acknowledge His will be done, is with full assurance He hears us…

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