Friday, September 15, 2023

Today’s Thought “Selective Messaging” G. Ward 1 John 5 4 For whoever has been born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world: our faith. One great influencer, highly esteemed from men and with a large following is heard weekly on the airwaves and is believed to be genuinely attune with care, yet misleading many as I heard him quote this most outstanding passage with insistence that the many thousands (ascribing to his show) adopt this to extinguish their every doubt for the ability to overcome general ambivalence unto their endeavor’s success. *The problem however with such a discourse is with the term “born of God.” That term delineates one who has placed complete faith in Christ and then leaves it up to Him (i.e., the Savior) to further consecrate their new life (Phil.1:6). Therefore, and because HE is our victorious King, having imposed Himself (i.e., His Spirit) in every believer, we too have victory, but never apart from HIS reign (Ro.8:37). This new life however, also never proposes we live in accordance to our estimations, perspectives and opinions, but through obeisance, demanding from oneself, “HIS will be done” through us and that’s found solely in the Word of God (cf. Pr.3:5-6). Outside and inside of true faith, we’re exposed (incessantly) to sorrow, sickness, weariness and whereas our LORD demonstrated an endurance remarkably exemplary (*Matt.27:46), believers (those insiders) won’t shame those who suffer with these realities aforementioned, but stand with them through testimonial in how HE brought us and can do the same for them (cf. Ro.10:13). Proper claimants of God’s Word will introduce prudent dependence of our Lord’s Way, with refusal onto false expectancies from attendees in worship and their preachers’ co-existence with exorbitance.

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