Friday, September 4, 2015

Today’s Thought “Convenient Jurisprudence” G. Ward

“Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.” Romans 13:1

The Jews of Jesus’ day knew a burden in unfair taxation. Their rates demanded (in modern day terms) that almost a quarter from every dollar generated be given for a host of events and support. This design was imposed on man by Holy God initially. We know it as a tithe, which was the same as taxation (cf. Nu.18:30, Deut. 12:6-17, 14:28). Jesus’ resolve with such indifference (i.e. governmental, social, etc.) is/was astounding. He simply demanded government regulations be followed while simultaneously and most preeminently following Holy God’s command. Our reality of earthen regulations understands it as diametrical to God’s words; His is infinite wisdom. Rules from man are ever evolving, selfishly suiting the needs of the insatiably driven. I’m troubled in the presentation of moral and sociological ills as a nuance for our time.

Like the County Clerk in Kentucky, I too oppose same sex marriage; but as a county clerk, did you consider refusing those who were blatant fornicators prior to marriage? As a pastor, I’ve been exposed to many who persist in behaviors antithetical to God’s word (and yes, they’ve called me pastor), but those are not the sheep of the true Shepherd, nor can they serve in leadership at His place of worship. You’re not allowed opportunity to exercise in Holy God’s mandates by picking and choosing only those personal abhorrent realities; signing off on any transgression, transgresses (take your time with that one…). If I were that county clerk I would have resigned my position when the Supreme Court decision was made…

Happy Friday!

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