Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Today’s Thought I Can’t Wait Till Christmas G.Ward

A time to give birth and a time to die;
A time to plant and a time to uproot what is planted.”
Ecclesiastes 3:2


On yesterday, I attended a most excellent homegoing service for an old friend that quickly diminished any portrayal of great sadness because of the trust he had in the Savior. The eulogist magnificently exposed Psalm 116:15, Precious in the sight of the LORD Is the death of His saints.”

We’ve heard it perhaps many times; as life is given, there’s a surety in death. Funerals have exacerbated a notion of utter despair. While sad music blasts over the sound system in our auditoriums, family members march in to see the remains of a loved one. The tears naturally flow from their sockets, agonizing life’s journey without a relative or friend. Rarely, (if at all) do we hear terrible testifying about the deceased. Moreover, many un-seasoned theologians preach universalist messages that demand everyone goes to a better place, making eternal separation from Holy God allegory vs. actual. No one really desires embellishing the uncertainty of a potential soul’s connectivity to God while they were living, theirs is merely hopeful, making their expression a common approach.

Getting back to this service on yesterday; the many commentaries given echoed a better altruism. The deceased was passionate about souls (indiscriminately so). His approach was synonymous with Jesus’ (cf. Mt.9:36). It was said and witnessed personally, that he would begin first by praying for the lost and then indifferent from most that testify, “I know Him,” his proactivity insisted they verbalize rejection or acceptance of the Savior’s love. Wanting to hear, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord” (Mt.25:21), means that we first must become busy with the cause of Christ (Mt.28:18-20). Ours has mostly been anticipating worship’s opportunity for the great and mighty things He has done for us (i.e. “I can’t wait till Sunday!”). Why don’t you do something for HIM? Happy Wednesday!

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