Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Today’s Thought “Can’t Wait to Get Home” G. Ward
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”
These worthy of addressing by the Prophet Jeremiah were in bondage in a strange land by a people refusing to worship the One and Only God. The majority living at the time of this message would die in bondage. From the time of this message, 70 years would prevail in this horrid land under an unruly people. Perhaps if you did the math a fifteen year old boy would be 85 before he would see his homeland again.
Howbeit that we’ve come to this time of taking this same passage and recklessly applying it as we see fit? God said, I know the plans, that is, not willing to unfold the complete plan. Why? It’s because of what Jeremiah echoed at chapter 17:9, “The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick; who can understand it?
We’re agents who change as the wind shifts; selfish by nature. We want circumstances to be melodious and prosperous for us first and then if there’s enough to dispense thereafter go by my sister’s house syndrome. We’re very guarded not wanting any to see our vulnerabilities, then defensive the moment another hurls criticism. The way Jesus provided is the same as in Jeremiah’s message to the exiles. Although we’re in a weary, strange land, Jesus’ presence won’t relent; He’ll be there when you call on Him righteously.Not on your terms, but His. Are you gearing up to be patient with not knowing those plans, or will you begin something you perceive is righteous and then insist the Lord told you? The care Holy God provides is quietly instantaneous, while offering rest and complete peace; but being hidden by the Holy One must be practiced daily so I may establish great pattern in watching Him work it out.

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