Friday, January 5, 2024


Today’s Thought “Assessing Miseries” G. Ward

Psalm 90

You have placed our guilty deeds before You,
Our hidden sins in the light of Your presence.
For all our days have dwindled away in Your fury;

We have finished our years like a sigh.

Moses, an old man, would view his 120 years granted indifferent from some who count victories in a life that even assumes an eternal rest for a job well done. Instead, his would without deeper contemplation, think on mankind’s misdeeds; particularly against and while a Perfect God, their Maker was at watch, having provided HIS plan for lives through commands that’d render peace, but went violated. The contrast of his contemplations didn’t find him exempt from such contemptuous behavior found in man, but would marvel that he knew HIM, face to face (Ezek.33:11). Moreover, he would understand that trials are common to man because of our sinfulness, causing the Almighty’s anger’s visitation upon us and then we witness Moses’ great spiritual plea; that our LORD would teach us how to live in view of such a short life, that preeminently includes honoring our King rightfully (Ps.90:12). May we never presume on Life (John 14:6) to believe we have more years to decide such…



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