Today’s Thought “Inside Tip” G.
Genesis 35
18 And it came about, as her soul was departing (for
she died), that she named him Ben-oni; but his father called him Benjamin.
would labor for seven years to attain such a beautiful wife (Rachel) to witness
her death immediately after giving birth to a son. Surely Rachel’s obituary
(hypothetically speaking) would have listed all her accolades, even including
the cultural posture widely promoted that says she accepted the Lord at an
early age at some church she last attended when there was a funeral there a few
years prior(?). The passage aforementioned is certainly indicative of mankind’s
significant portion; his soul. It continues to exist after death. It’s that
portion consistent with our conscious; even witness to subliminal thought unto
proposed activity and whereas its construct was intended to absolutely belong
to our Maker’s demand, it’s often more contained in the world’s theorizing than
the eternal script granting our confidence in HIS presence, along with Perfect
guidance and assurance of an eternity with HIM.
certainty (in our theme that assures departure) is written, that we’d best
contemplate this actuality in knowing the soul is who we are. Any day
presented, is our Creator’s merciful patience unto us; HE desires our
repentance (2 Pe.3:9). We all must decide to not place importance on things
seen, yet with soul cognizance, fill our vessels provided with the message of
eternality and live accordingly.