Thought “Beleaguered” G. Ward
“I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My
church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it.” Matthew 16:18
Life appears to be this crazy cycle of travailing through great
difficulties. It’s comparable to riding a roller coaster; you’re very relieved
in getting to the pinnacle of the great curvature to know sudden descent will
There’s been (historically) an unnecessary religious movement with the
passage above that pays more attention to Peter vs. his confession of Jesus as
fully Divine and altogether Sufficient. Most in that same environment sought more
guess work concerning Who Jesus was for what He could lend them (i.e. immediate
reprieve) on their terms vs. exercising in patient trust. The “I WILL” in the
passage reveals this as a process that man shouldn’t become involved with, but
a pursuit in righteousness concerning HIS exemplary leadership first and then
doing what HE says. When you impatiently pursue personal prudence vs. God
ordained values, never expect victory, joy, peace and prosperity; because that
emanates from HIM alone…
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