Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Today’s Thought Insomnia G.Ward

“Because all his days his task is painful and grievous; even at night his mind does not rest. This too is vanity.” Ecclesiastes 2:23
The Bible are the words from Holy God unto man that is the truest panacea in every life pursuit. Every admonishment is for the benefit of his spiritual and physical well-being. Although we enjoy a new covenant (as compared with the Israelite’s moral and dietary guidelines), I believe reliance from the timeless Author of both (covenants) requires our implicit trust. He made us and knows our functionality without effort.
I’m contemplating the entirety of this because I’ve been alert from 2:30 a.m. I’ve learned not to resist, but to make it a productive time of convening with the Master. Many times I sought various sleep aides like warm milk. Warm milk is said to carry the enzyme tryptophan, which urban legend has it will cause you to sleep (and which is often the talk at Thanksgiving when people drop like flies after a large meal heavy in tryptophan-rich turkey). The truth is that tryptophan is only instrumental in the first phase of your potential sleeping, but can be harmful to deep sleep (as to deprivation) if ingested supplementally. Moreover, you’d have to eat about 40 pounds of turkey this November to feel the effects of tryptophan’s sleeping benefit. Then, there’s that great drink; chamomile tea! Chamomile tea is synonymous with how Aloe Vera was perceived in the 1970’s. Chamomile can be used topically or orally to treat a number of everyday ailments, such as: Insomnia and other sleep disorders, anxiety and panic attacks, muscle twitches, wounds, burns, and scrapes, skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, chickenpox, and diaper rash, stomach problems such as menstrual cramps, stomach flu, and ulcers. *Although scientifically proven as great in these matters of health, please note some of the side effects I copied and pasted below;
As with all herbal products, moderation is the key to avoiding adverse reactions. Some of the potential side effects of chamomile include drowsiness, so use it with caution if you are driving or operating machinery. High doses of chamomile can also cause vomiting and/or skin reactions in some individuals. If you are allergic to ragweed pollen or have hay fever, you may have difficulty using chamomile.

Using chamomile during pregnancy is not recommended, since it is considered to be an abortifacient (a substance that induces abortion). Chamomile is also not recommended if you are currently taking blood thinners, since chamomile contains a substance called coumarin (which is also a blood thinner). Copyright © 2006-2012
Holy God’s prescription is timeless; For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” (Mt.11:30).
Insomniacs Unite! Decide that today is the day of reckoning! Nothing, but nothing beats good exercise and proper diet. Finally, remember King Solomon’s words (Eccl.2:23) that convey when you’re awakened at night because you’re perplexed and bothered, you take on unnecessary worries and neglect to realize that your Maker is able (cf. Eph.3:20-21)! Happy Tuesday!

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