Today’s Thought Hoarding G. Ward
“These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.” 1 Peter 1:7
I’ve inherited my Dad’s sense of style. I’m meticulously dressed in an argyle sweater vest with a short sleeved silk shirt underneath, small squared paneled, dress slacks that accentuate the colors of my vest and dress sandals matching the entirety. I’m clean shaven and smelling marvelously. My office is professionally decorated; the wood is shining and several decorative lamps are lit to bring forth true ambience. Although aesthetically pleasing to view, some may question my motives. Why, because, before anyone is familiar with any level of mercy and compassion, they view my exterior. For many either socially deprived, or economically depressed, these kinds of exterior components can be entirely intimidating. Moreover, many who cross such a threshold may presumptuously regard this sophisticated fellow as self-serving and aloof. Without shedding a great defense of who I really am, I’ll say that my heart’s desire is to be totally available unto Holy God’s great appointments.
Upon arrival here on today, there was a gentleman who stopped by, dressed similarly as I, driving a Hummer (an expensive SUV). He was without gas and needed something to eat. Without reservation I gave him my last and my Associate Pastor did the same (someone say with us, “Thank God for the food pantry” = lunch for the both of us). Furthermore, just a while ago, another lady arrived having lost her home recently. Her current rent is very behind, utility payments past due and food being scarce. Considering our circumstance in needing immediate reprieve in this area came to surface. She however remembered me from more than six years prior. Her struggle then was as great. I was able to lend better support then as I recall, but had to briefly convey to her that my resources of old had diminished tremendously. As Peter and John declared at the gate called “Beautiful,” there is always something to render because every beggar (this includes all of us) has expectancy (cf. Ac.3:1-8). Folks, I didn’t waste this lady’s time; I was able to meet some of her needs, but not the entirety. The genuineness of our faith (cf.1 Pe.1:7) demands that our attention towards others excuses every opportunity to castigate, while extending greater grace already demonstrated on high (cf. Ro.5:8). Oh yes, it arrives often times with great abuses, but how many times are we to arrive at the great throne of mercy after having messed up, begging Holy God to rescue us? Happy Wednesday (I’ve got to go and figure out what I’m going to wear on tomorrow…)!!!
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