Friday, October 5, 2012


Today’s Thought Expectancy G. Ward
And fixing his eyes on him, with John, Peter said, “Look at us.”So he gave them his attention, expecting to receive something from them.
Acts 3:4-5
Many years ago, I facilitated a bible study at a local multi-housing unit’s clubhouse. Every Wednesday night upon arrival, I would prayerfully walk throughout the complex and upon seeing individuals, invite them to share with us. Needless to say, there was more rejection than compliance, but the few made the difference. On one autumn Wednesday night, my wife and I decided that we should get the boys and ourselves bed ready, as our return home would yield no time for folly. With fresh garments on and cleanliness underneath, I sought sharing a discourse about our Savior’s mercy and grace. It’s because the night was beautiful and the temperature outside was holding at 72 degrees, that we decided to keep the main door open. This would also afford other residents passing by opportunity in hearing some good news. The ones of us on the inside were attempting to enjoy the message, but there were 2 gentlemen (obviously inebriated) on the outside offering loud cynicism. It had come to be totally disruptive, so I excused myself unto our audience, but beforehand had the wherewithal to ask them to pray as I would address these two. My family was terribly stressed, in that they knew of my propensity of preparedness in altercations of any kind. I too went into prayer asking Holy God to not allow me a chance at messing this up. Upon approaching these gentlemen, cynicism yet prevailed in their expression. I then remembered a book I recently read by Robert Coleman, entitled, The Master Plan of Evangelism . Dr. Coleman spoke of seizing every opportunity to share Jesus, even through social agendas. Moreover, no matter the conversation, en-route to sharing truth should always be the objective. I utilized current social etiquette and the lack thereof to introduce my first line of question. I asked them to share with me how they had grown up; what was their religious experience? Their answers were captivating. Both grew up attending church with their mother and grandmother. We then talked about the individuality in knowing Holy God (disallowing their scrutiny of church attenders). Both gentlemen replied in the same; they foresaw a time whereby their surrender to Christ would happen. That night without reservation, both of them identified their sin towards Holy God and invited His absolute rule. Both wept profusely as the joy was unspeakably clear – “What a mighty God we serve!” I left that night along with my family reeking of liquor and a stench of uncleanliness, although initially desiring to return home prepared for bed. Happy Friday!

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