Monday, October 8, 2012

A Ship Without a Rudder

Today’s Thought A Ship Without A Rudder G. Ward
To you, Lord, I call; You are my Rock, do not turn a deaf ear to me. For if You remain silent, I will be like those who go down to the pit.” Psalm 28:1
Upon accepting this tremendous calling to fulfill (namely the pastorate), I’ve found it necessary to retreat periodically. It’s important often times to walk away so that great appreciation for the work may continue. The expression “familiarity breeds contempt” can apply when lacking retreat (or re-evaluation).
It was last April (Spring Break). It was a great time to impose my philosophy unto my Associate Pastor and his wife to join my wife and I on an inexpensive cruise to the Bahamas. Our family had enjoyed many cruises in times past, in that they tend to be quite inexpensive, yet rewarding. Pastor Mark and Priscilla were overjoyed at the thought of a cruise because they never experienced one before (although they were world travelers). The cruise lines are very excellent at informing all their passengers about the many tradespeople at every port (i.e. reputable vs. irreputable). Many seasoned (i.e. idiotic & cheap) passengers such as me, always know more than the experts, so I authoritatively demanded we skip that informative meeting aboard the ship, and all my dumb friends were compliant. Upon arrival at the port, we paid too much for a taxi unto Paradise Island, rented jet skis from a guy named “Shark-eye,” received some bogus equipment to then turn over in the sea (in the Bahamas), to then almost drown why asking Holy God this question; “Lord, am I going to die over here in the Bahamas?” The Lord apparently said no, because two gentlemen from Shark-eye’s team immediately arrived at the point of my imminent departure from this earth to what I thought was an attempt to rescue me, when in actuality they were seeking to get their jet ski because it turned over and was becoming water logged! Read Psalm 28:1 again! Happy Monday!

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