Friday, February 14, 2025


Today’s Thought “Valentine’s Day Cards” G. Ward

1 John 4

Beloved, let’s love one another; for love is from God, and everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. The one who does not love does not know God, because God is love.

I’m recalling the days of old, having looked forward to every February 14th; it included exchange of innocent little cards kids would exchange at classroom time, along with sweets given that even encouraged some mostly found dispirited and aloof. Parents would buy these cards at the local 5 and dime (i.e., a store comparable to the Dollar Store for that era) and would help their young people sign these cards, ensuring every class member received one. Those days witnessed our intellects so needful, selfishly so, even limited in empathetic insight of potential troubles at home for fellow peers (e.g., abusive family life, economic woes, etc.) and how this day made them feel so regarded.

Three score and more years of life – now wonders how many in convalescence, who were once in a classroom, having received trinkets of love when young, are craving something so small that would let them know of a care, once so common? The day provided can put forth a concerted effort to ensure others experience a touch from Holy God, particularly since (as believers), HE lives in some…

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