Monday, February 3, 2025


Today’s Thought “Evangelism Forsaken” G. Ward

John 2

16 And to those who were selling the doves He said, “Take these things away from here; stop making My Father’s house a place of business!”

Churches throughout Europe have greatly diminished to become entertainment venues of sorts, along with reconstruction to make them hotels, and the like and whereas these efforts quickly adjourn to what’s perceivably a “having done all we could do” syndrome, evangelism was forsaken by the predominance of those attendees; who if interviewed currently, would still suggest, “In God we trust.”

Our Lord would establish how HE will build HIS church; eliminating our efforts (i.e., tactics) beyond proclaiming HIS gospel and whereas sidebars thereunto have become a wrongful accompaniment (e.g., doing so, while insisting – all things for HIS glory).

 Stay tuned for America’s fellowships’ turn towards a pervasion of additional entertainment venues.

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