Thought “A Believing Remnant” G. Ward
John 1
12 But to all who did receive Him, He
gave them the right to be children of God,
to those who believe in His name,
A great
chorus to a notable, spiritual hymn records, “To be happy in Jesus, is to trust
and obey.” This word happy (for this song) is not that to which seeks euphoric
moments, so temporary, but delights in HIM having chosen them before the
foundation of the world (Eph.1:4, *John 6:44) and whereas this choosing appears
practically automatic (*Matt.7:21), may we always defer to HIS passage that
states emphatically, to believe in HIM, WILL place one’s absolute trust in HIS
sovereignty, according to what is written from HIS Holy script, while determining
allegiance to HIS leadership in everything (regardless of social and political
unrest). I’m praying for you…
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