Thought “Planning a Funeral” G. Ward
John 12
25 The one who loves his life loses
it, and the one who hates his life in this world will keep it to
eternal life. 26 If anyone serves Me, he must follow
Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also; if anyone serves
Me, the Father will honor him.
Our Lord’s
criterion for what life in earth should represent remains entirely opposite of
what we hear (generally). As HE would teach HIS disciples then, that same
message demanded no subversion be offered any who’d follow HIM; but theirs must
portray what denial of self represents (i.e., to lose sight of oneself, along
with personal interests – Matt.16:24). *This is the spiritual precedent from
our Lord Jesus and if any say they know HIM without establishing a practice
spiritual leaders have sought to mitigate our Lord’s demand by insisting you
hand pick passages befitting to your victorious days ahead, while those early
disciples maintained “victory in Jesus” even while trials of sorts were all
around (*Matt.10:16-25).
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