Thought “Used Car Salesman” G. Ward
Corinthians 2:14
natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are
folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are
spiritually discerned.
My early
days, surrendered to the Lord, maintained an unrelenting, over-sensitive
posture concerning the grace of Holy God’s redemption unto man, ignorantly,
believing no one could reject such a message (cf. John 6:63-67). Doing so,
witnessed many sensing my anger and so many replied with usual callousness,
expressive in why they don’t attend any fellowship. It increased my curiosity
to why any would deny such a Magnificent Savior, to now know they
merely rejected a knuckle-headed new convert, overly zealous.
Although my
tenacity to such a witness is unchanged, I now do so to more contemplate our
Lord’s Truth that mandates “Love” as the center-point. The over-zealous, along
with post-modern fellowships who can subvert God’s Truth are/have been
instrumental at lending credence to an unbeliever’s skepticism; but the
chieftain of spiritual disconnect (actualized) is to know that not everyone
will come to know our Lord on HIS terms (John 6:44) and whereas HE never shared
who would, we maintain dependence on HIS Word (2 Pe.3:9), presenting HIM as
solely worthy of their highest expression of praise (i.e., to do HIS will) and
not elevate mere humans who talk too much.
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