Wednesday, August 28, 2024


Today’s Thought “Trophy Case” G. Ward

Hebrews 11

And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for the one who comes to God must believe that He exists, and that He proves to be One who rewards those who seek Him.


The immediacy onto recognizing the phrase “impossible to please HIM” is a standout for the believer; allowing their interrogation of oneself that questions – am I exemplifying that to which is mostly pleasing for me, or my Savior and then seeks to comply righteously (?).

Those desirous of a love relationship with Christ (but fail to do so on the Almighty’s terms) will more likely hone in with the term “rewards,” conveying a what’s in it for me mentality; particularly since the more predominant religious messaging seeks to impose on the Holy One for conditions of peace, for all times (ill-tolerant of trials) and whereas it appears they’re the bad guys – lethargy from believers is responsible for the exponential growth of false teaching, because they’re/we’re called to the lostness found in some that creates greatest spiritual foundation.

“Today” exists so all may bless the Name of the LORD!

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