Tuesday, August 27, 2024


Today’s Thought “Presumption: Squashed by Interrogation” G. Ward

Exodus 20:7

“You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain.”


The very word “vain” indicates an emptiness, or irreverence and whereas a believer’s life is utterly contained by Christ rule and reign, our mouths and activities must be representative of this ownership. Moreover, it cannot proclaim trials of sorts as so existentially overwhelming to then seek to assist their Owner; HE remains All power and knowledge and has need of nothing, even calling attention to that actuality by insisting we know HIS “burden is light” (i.e., nothing is too difficult for HIM).

We must cease with irreverence of HIS Word that prepares our knowing that peace can exist amidst troubles (John 14:27); because of HIS Mighty presence abiding in us. Collapse isn’t permissible, while endurance/perseverance in HIM is a must; remembering – no predecessor has ever been exempt from great tribulations (*you cannot pray it all away – our Savior didn’t - John 15:20).

Profane usage of wording that inserts God - is shameful, but this passage of our theme more embodies the aforementioned (2 Ti.2:15).

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