Tuesday, August 20, 2024


Today’s Thought “Spiritual Bankruptcy” G. Ward

Revelation 3:20

Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.

The context of this letter unfolds what was/has typically become – worshippers gathering, more delighting on terms of mercy and grace afforded any – despite their spiritual compliance, than absolute surrender to Christ leading their lives, even separating them from worldly ideologies, opinions, politics, etc., and demanding their holiness (*as they’d seek to mimic HIS life). Moreover, our Lord’s knock is indicative of an additional chance to eliminate the religion (i.e., external presentation of faith in HIM) and allow HIS transformation of their lives (i.e., personal relationship in/with Christ) and whereas HE ALONE discerns the heart’s sincerity (Jer.17:9-10), this address serves as a reminder of HIS insight.

If any will pursue HIM rightfully in this era, they too will unfold that it is written for our personal governance/guidance – to thwart the pain of hypocrisy’s end (when life is over and judgment is without reprieve). WARNING: We don’t want to play a similar game of inconsistent worship, even that to which subscribes to criticism(s) of existential temples that defends one’s lack in participation mandated by our Lord, even living lives in contradiction to HIS passages – with claims of “I know HIM too” – theorizing. OPEN THE DOOR OF HIS KNOCK-ON TODAY AND BE FREE!

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