Wednesday, May 29, 2024

 Today’s Thought “My Best Friend Forever (B.F.F.?)” G. Ward

James 4

You adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? Therefore, whoever wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.


Claimants of knowing Christ most certainly include an understanding the facts of HIS death, burial and resurrection; the precedent however, is hearing, then doing what HE says (Luke 6:46, Jas.1:22). A presumptive view that allows many to insist that HE also is their Lord is more pronounced than ever before - because of spiritual lethargy from a few believers (who don’t miss church) but fail to take such a one ( who feels as though their earthen citizenry carries a moral fortitude as much as any devout in spiritual fellowship) by the hand and present Christ as the Dispenser of HIS righteousness (Ro.10:14) and whereas appearances of both factions call on HIM as “friend,” He’s often reduced (through attitude and activity) as an acquaintance. HIS love for all awaits… 

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