Friday, May 3, 2024


Today’s Thought “Awe-Struck!” G. Ward

Romans 3: 11 There is no one who understands, There is no one who seeks out God; 12 They have all turned aside, together they have become corrupt; There is no one who does good, There is not even one.”


While many Jews and Greeks of the apostle’s day more relied on a birthright that believed they knew God Almighty, they too would fail to reverence HIM alone as the Sovereign Maker of heaven and earth (Matt.6:9). Moreover, those predecessors of great religious inconsistencies, would experience thoughts reflective in what they could offer their Creator to mitigate their blatant bouts of mistrust (i.e., sinfulness) and as it is now – a return unto HIM is HIS requirement, through genuine repentance that could witness HIS forgiveness (2 Chron.7:14, Ac.3:19). Genuine, may be a key descriptor, in that HE alone knows one’s heart (including intentions stemming from one’s desire that exercises authority over their being - *Jer.17:9). This in no way implicates Holy God as accepting of such frivolities, for HE is HOLY and the Beholder of righteousness (0% is found in man) and HE dispenses it without granting insight of who may be a potential newest citizen of Heaven (John 6:44) and just demands our delivery of such authoritative messaging (Matt.28:19).

HIS highest Conduit in reaching HIM remains Christ and our unrighteousness allowed Calvary’s cross. Don’t ever feel worthy enough to bring something to the King’s table – outside of genuine servanthood (Eph.2:8-10).

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