Today’s Thought “Don’t Forget the
Babies!” G. Ward
James 1
27 Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.
Many of
James’ day were bombarded with great persecution, even that to which resulted
in death of some who placed their trust in the Savior and whereas families experienced
a wrongful disruption in their household, so sorrowful given them in the loss
of loved ones massacred (for unadulterated faith in Jesus), these would need
comfort and encouragement to stand. James would compel them (who remained), to
uphold their belief in an All-Wise Savior who taught, “a servant is not greater
than their Master” (i.e., we’re not exempt from sufferings of sorts, HE too was
exposed). His words would prepare every believer then and now – not to a road
paved smoothly, but one with tremendous divots and entirely rocky (cf.
any who believe (and have surrendered their lives through repentance to Christ)
are called to authenticate their love for HIM, via an availability onto those
HE loves and to do so with great, sacrificial compassion (cf. *Heb.4:16).
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