Thursday, May 23, 2024


Today’s Thought “King of the Mountain?” G. Ward

Philippians 3

12 Not that I have already grasped it all or have already become perfect, but I press on if I may also take hold of that for which I was even taken hold of by Christ Jesus.


Salvation’s grip onto believers truly won’t let go and to that end we thank our Lord who holds us so tightly (cf. Ro.8:38-39); but humanity, although surrendered to Holy God through Christ, can be compared to a curious teenager whose bedroom is on the first floor; he’s been told that he can’t attend the night event (where everyone is going in his estimation), so, he crawls out of the window, oblivious to dire consequence for his rebellion.

The chieftain of sin’s journey generally begins with selfish priority and for the believer must be displaced with the Truth of God’s commands (*2 Cor.6:14) and whereas some walk about as if the commencement exercise of their salvation allows a presumptive surety of no regression unto sinful practices for me theorizing – Holy God knew your heart (Jer.17:9), while insisting you know, no one except the Lord Jesus mastered, then conquered sin (*1 John 1:8). Keep Climbing…

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