Tuesday, May 7, 2024


Today’s Thought “Apology; Long Overdue” G. Ward

Psalm 138

I will give You thanks with all my heart;
I will sing Your praises before the gods.

I will bow down toward Your holy temple
And give thanks to Your name for Your mercy and Your truth;
For You have made Your word great according to all Your name.


While I’ve been stupid most of my life, God Almighty allowed my pursuit of this wife of mine for 40 years on next month and whereas she’s more beautiful than ever before, I must say her loveliness towards me is/has been my greatest example in earth, regarding reconciliation unto endurance.

That appreciation on this day happened upon my anticipating our Lord’s guidance (i.e., via HIS Word) and to know HIS leading administers tremendous discipline that allows my collapse of who I’ve been (entirely brutish) to gratefully accept HIS change.

As we’d welcome our loved ones back from eternity one more time, our True Love, Christ remains; satisfying our endeavoring to ascent to HIS highest standard and admit how much we’ll need HIM, so as to guide us onto matters of eternality, along with rightfully being able to share personal lack that keeps identifying with truest restoration in spiritual health. Thank You Lord.

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