Today’s Thought “Sports Fanatics”
G. Ward
Psalm 146
3 Do not trust in
noblemen, in mortal man, in whom there
is no salvation. 4 His spirit
departs; he returns to the earth;
On that very day his plans perish.
While I’ve witnessed card games that turned into vitriolic arguments,
along with little boys’ feuding on which may be the fastest car, our
disagreements are with an immature similitude; particularly when our support of
those so impersonal to us invade good thinking and whereas a particular autumn
of life may find any depleted of energies (due to sickness, or financial woes,
etc.), my favorite sports team losing or winning won’t mean much.
I’m privileged to come from a generation where some sought to
pervade on their children a notion of biblical proportion - that insisted we
not trust in man. I believe it stemmed from a two-fold admonishing: 1. Every
man’s philosophical stance is/will be displaced by another appearing more
plausible to adopt and to be insatiably driven (i.e., awaiting eloquence’s
dictates of what success looks like…) lacks spiritual accountability to the ONE
who made us and won’t change (Heb.13:8). 2. Re-inventing the wheel can most
assuredly indicate points of inaccuracy found in any(thing). Moreover, because
error is the necklace named among every human and therefore calls for testing
against the Truth of Final Authority’s Word (1 John 4:1), further interrogation
of that plan is a must (2 Ti.3:16-17).