Monday, December 23, 2024

 Today’s Thought “Intentional” G. Ward

Acts 20

35 In everything I showed you that by working hard in this way you must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

I’ve found it impossible to uphold my great organizational skills at this time of year; I’m sure to convene with the marketplace “one more time.” No matter the season, or district – I’m sure to encounter another walking about in extreme temperatures while driving with just enough heat, along with soothing music to enable meditations in gratefulness to become manifest, until mine eyes view one without similar means. Could they stand sips of a warm beverage, perhaps a fibrous fruit for later, maybe even a pastry? What if I journey to purchase warm socks and gloves will this help? Finally, and upon such a delivery, what if I share this gift is from our Lord Jesus and HE desired they know HIS love for them continues? Could that help?

If you’re inclined with such a challenge and experience the joy in giving as aforementioned, share with others - that they too may know this joy...

Friday, December 20, 2024


Today’s Thought “Mission Accomplished?” G. Ward

Nehemiah 4

Hear, O our God, how we are an object of contempt! Return their taunting on their own heads, and turn them into plunder in a land of captivity. Do not forgive their guilt and do not let their sin be wiped out before You, for they have demoralized the builders.


Nehemiah is a picture of perseverance onto the Almighty. He with many who were exiled from their homeland would return to see utter desecration of the holy things, along with a destroyed, magnificent Temple dedicated to our Lord - by an unruly people proud in obtaining false gods. These enemies sought to plot great evil against the rebuilders of what (perceivably) was far too monumental a task; considering the destruction/decimation was comparable to a modern wrecking ball upon a house; so, in essence the ridicule was seemingly just, but the devotion unto Holy God from the re-builders was greater.

Our lives can be likened to such rubble and next to impossible to re-construct (cf. Eph.2:10), but the same God for Nehemiah remains the Ultimate Builder (*Phil.1:6). As Jerusalem would soon flourish, respectful of the building process, we (believers), as temples of the Spirit, are called to lay brick by brick (i.e., indicative of every passage in God’s Word), to ensure a foundation incorruptible (*cf. Eph.6:24).

Thursday, December 19, 2024


Today’s Thought “Forget You, Forgot You, Never Thought About You!” G. Ward

1 Peter 4

Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins.


“Joy to the world the Lord is come” is our seasonal sentimentality, but there remains a faction entirely bothered by our diversionary tactics in appeasing others with exorbitant spending; even disturbed by such rationalizations from what appears to be reasonable people, who on their loved one’s birthday – presents them with gifts, versus buying the kid next door a bicycle. Furthermore, theirs ask, “what does Jesus get from this?” Our hope is the joyous season (so anticipated) would prelude a great receptivity to believer’s service to our Lord, by extending the good news that embraces our Lord’s desire to have a love relationship with them and although that reality may be squashed by any proposed hearer, even a rude shutdown, threatening to some – our love for the Savior’s sacrifice for us – must increase over our being reactionary; because people need a witness (*Matt.5:16), not another villainous Christian …

Wednesday, December 18, 2024


Today’s Thought “Plights in Elevating Oneself” G. Ward

1 Peter 4:10

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace:


I’m somewhat perplexed at this time of year to hear of such accommodation in extravagance that seeks to demonstrate care upon exorbitant expense. Perhaps historical visitation of simple wares, along with baked goods, candy canes and assorted nuts – may witness abundant means for January. On the other hand, the superficial interactivity upon such a holy-day anticipated can be contradictory to celebrating Christ entry – particularly when/if we’ll forget our Lord came to serve and whereas HE bestows on each believer a particular giftedness (for HIS glory), we’ll look to extend ourselves onto another – that encourages their walk in HIM.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024


Today’s Thought “Bah Humbug” G. Ward

Proverbs 11:17

“A man who is kind benefits himself, but a cruel man hurts himself.”


One great manuscript of old written by Charles Dickens (A Christmas Carol), features a fictional character, Ebenezer Scrooge, a seasoned man, having lent our modernity’s tag in what it means to be a grouch. He’s depicted as hating Christmas, even going to great lengths to sabotage its festivities, yet the ending unfolds his real problem was lacking a rightful sociability and whereas a very ill child is used in such magnanimous regard to present this mean guy a wonderful introspection via A Ghost of Christmas Present, Scrooge would be transformed. For many of us who many be of a certain autumn (i.e., old), we anticipated this on film every year at Christmas and were reminded of how necessary it is in being more intentional to look beyond faults and address real needs.

Some may say these values have greatly diminished and perhaps they could be correct, but I’m inclined to know that problematics re-introduced/re-gurgitated won’t solve much, but a preparation in the Truth of God’s Word (each day), lends generosity in Spirit; enough so, to not hold others hostage to their idiosyncrasies (*Eph.6:12).

Monday, December 16, 2024


Today’s Thought “Window of Eternality” G. Ward

Colossians 4

 Your speech must always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person.


Whereas believers in Christ Sufficiency are too granted a variety of outlets to express issues concerning oneself and whereas they’re owned by their Magnificent Savior; deciding to imitate HIM in every endeavor, what are we imposing on a populous; particularly social media? Hypocrisy, has become an unfortunate mentionable for the believer (often justifiable) and perpetuated, because that tag is prompted by a view from some as they’ve identified a sunken morality by the many who say they believe. Moreover, the exacerbation of such (from these who say they trust the Lord’s Way), lends credence from these castigators as their view of an unrecognized heavenly blend onto worldly permissiveness continues, even with shameful rationalizations – again, unrecognized by the HOLY ONE and whereas true believers mostly pervade responsible convictions, along with pleasantries on social media, we’re devalued, while praying our Lord’s penetration unto myriads of cultures; even asking our Lord to use us, despite criticisms.

Friday, December 13, 2024


Today’s Thought “Hierarchal Insensitivity” G. Ward

Matthew 23

And they do all their deeds to be noticed by other people; for they broaden their phylacteries and lengthen the tassels of their garmentsAnd they love the place of honor at banquets, and the seats of honor in the synagogues, and personal greetings in the marketplaces, and being called Rabbi by the people.


Religious leaders of old, spiritually un-trained in righteous pursuits, thought of themselves too highly. They’d dress in regalia indicative of a posture (i.e., self-designated), classifying themselves as higher than the commoner, while insistent you call them by their religious titles. *Things haven’t changed much and has served up a great deal more ruin than unity under the banner of the ONLY RIGHTEOUS ONE (*John 14:6) and whereas HE was available to any, allowing those in HIS presence to call HIM Jesus and touch HIM, and never needed a security force, HE chose a nomadic lifestyle and had no physical emblems of HIS royalty (*Isa.53:2). Who are you choosing to be your spiritual leader (cf. Eph.5:1-2)?

*For my friends who’ll perpetuate excuse to why they won’t attend worship services (because of clergymen pervading exorbitant lifestyles, while un-available); keep sitting at home while discipleship happens for the spiritually prudent, waiting for the end, so as to blame man for your disconnect!

Thursday, December 12, 2024


Today’s Thought “Worth Waiting For…” G. Ward

Isaiah 43

18 “Do not call to mind the former things, Or consider things of the past. 19 Behold, I am going to do something new, now it will spring up; Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert.


While many of our era have sought using these passages as something to perceive selfishly, that bolsters their economic success; this was our LORD through HIS prophet - insistent that Israel (HIS people) celebrate all HE’D rescue their predecessors from (and yes it was many miraculous presentations of HIS might), while absolutely anticipating a future where the government would be upon the shoulders of the Blessed Redeemer (*Isa.9:6) and not exilic leaders, so unruly with terrorism, or unrighteous kings so foolishly imposing lack of peace.

Believers for this era should also rejoice. Our Redeemer’s work enables our view in how HE is building us (daily) unto a future hope with HIM (*cf. 1 Cor.6:2-3) and while we wait, HIS presence won’t forsake us. “A Mighty Fortress is our God!”

Wednesday, December 11, 2024


Today’s Thought “When Listening Becomes Dangerous” G. Ward

Galatians 4

At a time when you did not know God, you became slaves to things that by nature are not gods; but now that you have come to know God, or rather to be known by God, how can you turn back again to the weak and destitute elemental powers? Do you want to be slaves to them all over again? 


“We wish you a Merry Christmas” may certainly be a song sung in this great season, yet remains a true sentiment from believers in Christ Sufficiency to all! We desire (for any) what’s been granted us, despite our having violated HIS commands, yet desirous to sin no more (Ro.7:17-20) and whereas we know how faith remains difficult – because of an incessant war with the flesh, we keep pressing. We know of a daily pursuit of God’s Word that allows our perseverance in HIM and how necessary it is to meditate on those actualities for every moment presented, that denies our reactionary responses, but seeks to be administrators of HIS peace (John 14:27), and we know that others may not reciprocate that same, yet, our driving force remembers, “such were some of us” (1 Cor.6:9-11). We know the essentiality in precluding no other message is worthy to acknowledge, for its comparability is similar to ingesting a little poison…

Tuesday, December 10, 2024


Today’s Thought “Situational Ethics; Disqualified!” G. Ward

Mark 1

15 And saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.”


The very foundational prerequisite for belief in Christ as LORD is repentance and whereas this godly sorrow is solely considerate of what the eternal script demands and not a current fad or cultural demand, daily consultation with God’s Word remains available. Many, who want the broad road theorizing (Matt.7:13-14), desire hearing it from others to substantiate their belonging and while theirs may be subjective, that issuance some offer may not be from love’s territory (*Eph.4:14-15). It’s therefore incumbent on any desiring the Truth of God’s Word to embrace (consistently), a local spiritual institution pervading the deity of Christ and HIS Righteousness (John 1:1-3,14).

Although sin’s definition is marginalized by the world, it’s clearly delineated in God’s Word (cf. 1 Cor.2:14), lending our repentance upon our failure to heed from its demand.

Monday, December 9, 2024


Today’s Thought “Wearing a Shoe Too Small” G. Ward

Hebrews 4

Therefore, since it remains for some to enter it, and those who previously had good news preached to them failed to enter because of disobedience, He again sets a certain day, “Today,” saying through David after so long a time just as has been said before, “Today if you hear His voice, Do not harden your hearts.”


Our society’s statistics, persist in sharing that most know God through Christ (keep in mind that most are on their way to celebrating Christmas in 16 days) and whereas it’s Holy God’s desire to have a love relationship with any (*cf. John 6:44), Truth says it only happens upon our repentance of sinfulness (2 Pe.3:9), along with greatest understanding that faith and follow-ship of HIS demands remain inextricably connected (Luke 6:46-49).

Those called as HIS very own won’t ever qualify on their own volition (Ro.3:10,23), or as they consider they’re “good enough” (*Mark 10:18), but upon absolute surrender to HIS Way (i.e., the Word of God) and that new life is void of un-holy considerations (cf. Ro.7:14-19). Do you hate the sin that exists in you? Put on new shoes (*Eph.6:10-14, *15)!

Friday, December 6, 2024


Today’s Thought “What’s the Use?” G. Ward

Matthew 18

20 “For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.”


While so many rationalize worshipping together with those desiring greater intimacy/dependence with Christ, the speculative avenue of the Almighty’s demand continues as subversive and whereas doing what HE says unfolds being HIS, many continue to miss this monumental mark. Moreover, that same rationalization points their finger at appearances of hypocrisy found within a particular spiritual institution, to then insist that’s why they neglect a systematic study of God’s Word and whereas the magnitude of love the Father has for those HE made, exists and whereas HIS Way is perfect – HE will never understand why HIS commands go violated, yet sent a Perfect Redeemer as the Lifeline some refuse on HIS terms (cf. Heb.10:24-25). See you Sunday?

Thursday, December 5, 2024


Today’s Thought “The Finger Points Your Way” G. Ward

Micah 6:8

He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?


The holy critique administered by this prophet – courageously confronted God’s own with rhetorical questioning that asked was Holy God impressed with external elements of praise, while suffering with inward sin sickness and whereas our theme answers with a spiritual re-construct, we must never look upon this historical actuality in abstract (i.e., to celebrate our being more than a conqueror through Jesus, without imitating HIS character).

Our LORD’S great attribute in maintaining omnipresence is permanently connected with HIS omniscience (i.e., All-Knowing) and whereas other men must accept yours and mine own characterization in knowing God through Christ as superlative, what HE determines, particularly as HE alone is able to look at our hearts to determine our suitability for an eternity with HIM, may demand a return (to HIS reign and rule - 2 Pe.3:9)?

Wednesday, December 4, 2024


Today’s Thought “Cowering Amidst Un-Popularity” G. Ward

John 12

42 Nevertheless many, even of the rulers, believed in Him, but because of the Pharisees they were not confessing Him, so that they would not be excommunicated from the synagogue; 43 for they loved the approval of people rather than the approval of God.


Leadership’s compelling is in the ONE who calls any (Ro.10:13) to fulfill the mission set forth and since we’ve surrendered to the Savior, so gentle and caring, may we demand of ourselves a generous reciprocity, knowing that HE too is just (*1 Pe.4:3-5). A practice in a wrong focus will teach others diversionary methods that can subtract from a blessed assurance in Christ.

Tis the Season? Then correlate to the salvation offered you, by proclaiming HIS Sufficiency unashamedly and whereas they’re accustomed to the religious jargon so pervasive by many, share your gratefulness in having been chosen despite your unrighteousness (Ro.5:8) and insist they know HE desires a love relationship with them also (i.e., through repentance of course – 2 Pe.3:9).

Tuesday, December 3, 2024


Today’s Thought “Exempt from Troubles?” G. Ward

John 15

20 Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A slave is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will persecute you as well; if they followed My word, they will follow yours also.


While every disciple, including tumultuous deaths from the Apostles – culminated by our Lord Jesus’ greatest persecution unto death, would incur great trials from so many; even that to which included social degradation, political oppression, racism and monetary depletion, now witness a national culture found so prevalent for our society that says, avoid what every generation of man has been exposed, to now think on this as achievable is subverting Truth and delusional(!).

What our LORD would represent is stalwart character that would absolutely trust in the Father’s care beyond those adjectival descriptors aforementioned. Moreover, HIS Word demands we “count it joy” when these difficulties persist – because they’ll surely guide our consciences to run to HIS Shelter which will never relent (cf. Jas. 1:2-4). Believing these actualities means disallowing secular penetration of anything lacking eternal merit.

Monday, December 2, 2024


Today’s Thought “Who Made You Do It?” G. Ward

1 John 3

Little children, make sure no one deceives you; the one who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous; the one who practices sin is of the devil; for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The Son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil. 


To suggest no man is perfect is redundant and whereas it appears a challenge to perceive that any can be righteous, is immediate recognition from those redeemed, who truly understand that many who pervade such may not be studied (concerning the Truth of God’s Word). Moreover, those same un-surrendered to Christ rule, may even share foolish defense that lends excuse to why they tire of some who are religious in their spiritual efforts to be known by the highest standard given by our Maker and to that end, secretly assaults their spiritual disconnect. There is however a Way to which guilt and perceived condemnation (found in any) can experience a blessed assurance that forgiveness through Christ has been afforded them and whereas one redeemed is responsible to share that reality and won’t – they who say “I believe,” may not be HIS, but merely understand what is written (i.e., external religiosity), over absolute surrender to all it says and that habitual practice is also an incomplete disqualifier, along with no recognition in the heavenlies. Come to Jesus on HIS terms…

Friday, November 22, 2024


Today’s Thought “Drinking the Kool-Aid Part 2?” G. Ward

Matthew 24

For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and they will mislead many people. And you will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end. 


Jonestown, was a remote settlement in Guyana established by the Peoples Temple, an American cult under the leadership of Jim Jones. Jonestown became internationally infamous when, on November 18, 1978, a total of 918 people died (cyanide poisoning through a Kool-Aid mixture) at the settlement (Wikipedia).

Jim Jones began ministry as a fundamentalist, witnessing tremendous growth as he’d pervade Jesus unto a people impressionable in charismatic presence vs. substance from their leader that ultimately led to their deaths and whereas our theme on today shares the Truth of God’s Word that cannot be thwarted, our Lord Jesus would teach HIS disciples thoroughly; particularly HIS soon departure, along with HIS return and whereas these more favored hearing of a return, they thought this process would be quick. Instead, The Great Tribulation period’s expression is given by Jesus regarding how any could know the time as near; HE’D teach those actualities in reverse order (Ch. 24-25). The tribulation precedes our Lord’s Millennial Reign (*Rev.20:6) whereby HE will be absolute governance (Isa.9:6).

ANY who seek to pervade on you - times and epochs of HIS return, even promulgating events pertinent (as imminent) are equally as confounded as those disciples then; particularly as our LORD still is speaking to HIS church (*who will be raptured before this Great Tribulation – (*1 Thess.4:13-18).

 To avoid these greater points in misery - “See that you are not alarmed” but prepare accordingly…

Thursday, November 21, 2024


Today’s Thought “An Empty Pan” G. Ward

2 Corinthians 9:8

And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.


While most church fellowships are diminishing (*only numerically, not spiritually), many naysayers are seemingly confirmed in their speculative ideas so much older than they – that pervades, “all they wanted was your money!” The Apostle Paul’s day (more than two thousand years ago) witnessed the very same thing from naysayers that insisted he was just another greedy preacher promising blessings and whereas the Apostle’s discourse did include Holy God’s testament in how when sowing generously, would allow reaping in the same, he’d also be instructed to write that any should never give after exposure to attempts in coercion. His letter furthered how encouraged he was when those adherents agreed to support the Jerusalem church before and how the need hadn’t changed because some cynics said otherwise.

We must remember the Almighty’s Word supersedes every prognosticator of proposed deception, but remain absolute in dependence through devotion to all given by our Lord. There’s so much more grace to unfold, beyond our contributions, involving greatest joy to be called obedient, even amidst a perverse generation.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024


Today’s Thought “Love Suffers Long” G. Ward

1 Corinthians 13

11 When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things. 


The terms from the Almighty unto man are best for us; but when any propose that other manuscripts that fail miserably to unfold points in absolute resolve (i.e., eternal actualities) becomes considerate for some, it proves spiritual immaturity. We don’t need another religion. Believer-ship in Christ has seen no other match to HIS incomparable attributes and while some are on quests to identify the names of God as central to knowing HIM, along with presenting uncommon, presumed reports that subverts HIS work as sufficient, HE remains ONE, entirely indifferent from man, along with deserving supreme reverence for HIM being Spirit (John 4:23-24). A believer’s view of many who perhaps are on their way to identify HIS calling them (John 6:44) – shouldn’t exhibit great frustration with any without recall of all HE provided for them (*Jas.2:13), but should first pray our Lord’s opportunity for their witness (not testimonials of arrogance, but admitting how confounded they are in having been chosen), then prepared to share LOVE (looking beyond faults – 1 John 4:7-8), in a way that adopts others as family and that’s what it means to put away childish things.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024


Today’s Thought “Crab Legs on Thanksgiving” G. Ward

1 John 2

19 They went out from us, but they were not really of us; for if they had been of us, they would have remained with us; but they went out, so that it would be evident that they all are not of us.


The mark of the believer in Christ Sufficiency is endurance; that is implicit trust in HIS Word and whereas there are many who’ve participated with believers within a local fellowship, they’ve presumed on Holy God’s justice to recognize their need(s) – outside HIS spiritual realm, even searching other manuscripts and periodicals (with fervor) that subverts the Almighty’s timeless plan for those HE made. Shamefully, others have become impressed with their knowledge base, which actually derived from an individual disgusted by anything traditional, so entirely dangerous. Then, there’s another segment, full of defense mechanisms – that pervade on any they’ll have contact with, saying, “all they want is your money and that’s why I stopped attending!” Altogether, these uninformed stances are answerable upon their soon departure (*Phil.2:10-11) unto our Lord and second chances are null and void.

Monday, November 18, 2024


Today’s Thought “Spiritual Metamorphosis” G. Ward

Colossians 1: 28 We proclaim Him, admonishing every person and teaching every person with all wisdom, so that we may present every person complete in Christ. 29 For this purpose I also labor, striving according to His power which works mightily within me.

Conversations so proprietary - that regards God’s goodness, serve as a great periodic reminder in how one’s focus should be established by HIS omnipresence and whereas what it means to proclaim HIM insists we make HIM known, which absolutely demands we teach those outside HIS spiritual construct of an only plan for life that completely satisfies; compelling believers to go (*Matt.28:19).

Our proclamations however, are mostly aspirational (i.e., lack immediate compliance -*Jas.1:22) and can be compared to our desire in polishing our furniture, or thoroughly cleaning vents and window tracks; we’ll get to it soon, which indicates six months or so.

Friday, November 15, 2024


Today’s Thought “A Better Plan” G. Ward

Proverbs 16

24 Pleasant words are a honeycomb, Sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.

Johnny is a 19-year-old young man with Down’s Syndrome and while employed at a grocery store, there was insistence from management that every employee attend a customer service seminar. They were consumed in improving their customer relations and whereas Johnny, in what he perceived was an insignificant position as a bag boy would attend this session reluctantly, he’d be challenged (delightfully) to do his best to encourage every customer he’d encounter. Johnny would go home thereafter, sharing with his parents how thrilled he was, correlating with his parents onto a way to which he could embody this encouragement and devised cutting small scripts of varied passages from the Word of God to hand to each customer and then wish them a wonderful day. The store had numerous self-checkouts, but their customer base would forsake speed of checkout to have an encounter with Johnny. We’re given the most excellent message of reconciliation and it assuredly remains the highest encouragement any can receive. May you find the Way (John 14:6) like Johnny did in allowing any to hear and see your surrender to our Lord and leave the wavering (temporal, i.e., politics, opinions, etc.) to the world (cf. 1 John 2:15-17).

Thursday, November 14, 2024


Today’s Thought “Permanent Blemish?” G. Ward

Philippians 3

8 “More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them mere rubbish, so that I may gain Christ…”


To calculate the excitement upon so many endeavors towards being rich, along with being welcomed into settings appearing so noble, appears such a waste of time, until the joy in our Heavenly Father’s acceptance of my repentance and how HE allows my dependence on HIM in everything, is my daily meditation. More has become less, particularly as I assess “why” certain things may be fulfilling in contrast to the contentment in knowing HE’S my Shepherd and I have need of nothing, awaiting HIS distribution (and HE never fails).

Some may deem this posture a takeaway, even worried that HE won’t allow them to have things and whereas they cannot conjure up Abraham, Solomon or Job, their stories (written for our guidance) witnesses tremendous wealth provided by our LORD, yet these preferred that Holy God knew their names. May you keep pressing in the spiritual interrogations (found in HIS Word), so as to more establishes trust in the ONE desiring a love relationship with you.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024



Today’s Thought “What You See, Is What You Get…” G. Ward

Isaiah 9

And all the people know it, that is, Ephraim and the inhabitants of Samaria, Asserting in pride and in arrogance of heart:


Our being comfortable in addressing all our needs, to then pervade on any how we made it happen, is seemingly a great American mantra; until one opens the eternal script provided man that can help him navigate his way through such presence in a temporal place. The term “gas-lighting” is this kind of arrogant manipulation (aforementioned), causing many to aspire to a posture that never delivers peace and we’re guilty of such when/if we’ll paint a picture of our lives as self-sufficient versus God-ordered (Prov.16:18).

Israel, through our Lord’s Holy script, testifies to this wrongful perception in self-sufficiency as acceptable; particularly as their presumed insights would fail, to then be owned by a heathen nation Assyria and whereas we appear as safe and secure, many nations (outside our borders) lie in wait…

People Need the Lord.

Friday, November 8, 2024


Today’s Thought “So They Loaded Up the Truck and They Moved to Beverly…” G. Ward

Joshua 24

Joshua said to all the people, “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel says: ‘From ancient times your fathers lived beyond the Euphrates River, namely, Terah, the father of Abraham and the father of Nahor, and they served other gods. 

Rarely may any contemplate how Abraham was called to absolutely pack up and leave his home; to then, without hesitance go; despite not knowing which direction he was to endeavor, yet doing so because God said. It’s a picture for any who insist they know the Lord towards implicit trust of HIM and while many worship our Lord, some may forget that if worship won’t have a required effort to do, it’s not received (*cf. Amos 5:21-24). For a long time now, we’ve violated understanding why our Lord would pull Abraham away from the comfort of home and whereas the land to which he lived was so entirely idolatrous, Almighty God would set a precedent recorded at 1 Thess.1:9, ”For they themselves report about us as to the kind of reception we had with you, and how you turned to God from idols to serve a living and true God” *and whereas An idol is anything that replaces the one, true God – have you been guilty?

And Father God, ashamedly, we hang our heads low because we know we’ve had many idols, primarily ourselves; very particularly, each time we’ve chosen to follow our thoughts and whims, pursuing personal delight versus blessing Your Name for being a present help. As You alone are with All Wisdom and Power. So, may our concerted effort for this day presented repent, as we’re mindful of how great You are and how You created us - substantially less than, as we submit accordingly and through Jesus, Amen.

Thursday, November 7, 2024


Today’s Thought “Praying for Leaders” G. Ward

Jeremiah 29

Seek the prosperity of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord in its behalf; for in its prosperity will be your prosperity.

Holy God’s own were placed in Babylon for irreverent behaviors and this land so unfamiliar created a daily trepidation among this populous. The Prophet Jeremiah insists these newest inhabitants understand – that borders (geographically) won’t disable the LORD who made the world and HIS presence wouldn’t relent, along with being considerably more than silver or gold.

It is written; to transcend time and our era needs a similar message that teaches sole reliance on our Maker. Socio-economics may change and people do the same, but our Lord remains consistently Faithful, “yesterday, today and forevermore.”

Wednesday, November 6, 2024


Today’s Thought “A Demand for Prosperity” G. Ward

2 Kings 24

20 For it was due to the anger of the Lord that this happened in Jerusalem and Judah, until He cast them out of His presence. And Zedekiah revolted against the king of Babylon.

Babylon, the Great land, so mighty, would overwhelm God’s own; even its leader (Nebuchadnezzar) would impose his own relative to be king over Jerusalem. Altogether, there was warning beforehand (*Jer.27:9-11) from Holy God unto HIS own, but horrid, evil influence seemingly won and whereas there’s consequence – undesired by men, the Almighty’s Holiness won’t tolerate such blatant disconnect (Ro.6:23).

We celebrate a democratic process here in a strange land; a “by the people” stance and whereas they’ve spoken on both sides of a spectrum – meant to enable unity, sorrow, grips one side, while the other is content, yet reliant on another to deliver the whole onto pocketbooks with more than before, along with purporting a moral climate; while history reveals many thousands of years of spiritual anarchy – un-prepared for the Only King’s consequence. Pray for our Leaders…

Tuesday, November 5, 2024


Today’s Thought “Electoral Anxiety?” G. Ward

1 John 2:15-17

Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world.


If one is ever perplexed in how rampant immoralities persist for our era – adjourn to God’s Word (through tenacious study) to witness how our Lord correlated in a society whereby abortion, homosexuality, racial disparities and dissolution of family existed in HIS time in earth also. Did HE gather HIS disciples and go to the Areopagus to debate issues concerning HIS Father’s business? What about appealing to the religious court officials (The Sanhedrin) unto best observance towards God’s laws? Perhaps Tiberius (the Emperor) would listen to reason, but was that our Lord’s determination? Altogether, what HE called us, HIS ambassadors, solely permitted implicit trust of our Lord’s Way; unfolding the ONLY resolute message of reconciliation to any who’d listen; then teaching them to obey HIS commands (never a civic duty, but a Holy God responsibility).

*The world is doing what they’re supposed to do. Will believers intercept(?)…

Monday, November 4, 2024


Today’s Thought “Talk TOO Much?” G. Ward

Psalm 118

24 This is the day which the Lord has made; Let’s rejoice and be glad in it.


Self-absorption (i.e., consumed in personal interests) is an unspiritual demand (*Phil.2:3-4), even culturally accepted and whereas the believer should always have a preoccupation of the “Cross” – representative of sacrifice through Christ having given Himself for the cause of sinfulness in every one, our thanksgiving unto this day honors HIS grace and mercy towards us; not solely with echoes of how great HE is (although true), but with activity that emulates (Eph.5:1-2) how HE correlated in a world refusing to know HIM. If I’m BOUGHT with a price, who owns me?

Tuesday, October 29, 2024


Today’s Thought “Remembering the Cross” G. Ward

Luke 23

34 [But Jesus was saying, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.”] And they cast lots, dividing His garments among themselves.


It’s become very apparent that spiritual leadership forsaken has modern day believers more celebratory in determination that suggests, “we have to fight!” Sure, there’s tremendous erosion of value systems of old, but we must remember, history unfolds great moral reprobation far worse. There is however, a fight sanctioned (spiritually) and whereas winning souls for our Lord - equals fighting for an endurance to teach HIS commands and watch lives transform/conform to the only Way, Truth and Life (John 14:6). Jesus never approached Caesar with demands for spiritual conformity; but commanded those who’d listen to follow and that implicit trust of the All-Wise Savior will soon understand that every generation witnessed the inevitable Light in mankind (surrendered in Christ) overcome (Ro.8:37) the darkness found in a gloomy world. Our Lord remains All Authority…

Monday, October 28, 2024


Today’s Thought “Go West Young Man…” G. Ward

Matthew 19

17 And He said to him, “Why are you asking Me about what is good? There is only One who is good; but if you want to enter life, keep the commandments.”

The young man our Lord would encounter, desired to know Holy God on his own terms, versus the Almighty’s will. This dialogue was difficult only because this rich young ruler arrived resistant to hearing anything outside his demand and when our Lord would challenge his reliance on all he owned, insisting he sell it all and follow HIM, the boy ran (cf. 1 Ti.6:10).

We should glean from this, an inability to co-exist with Holy God’s goodness via a minute-to-minute pursuit in how HE correlated in the world’s evil influence and follow HIS example. This won’t mean rid oneself of materials, but unfold an interrogation in what’s most important; considerate in soulful re-adjustment that won’t allow materialisms’ comparison with our greatest desire of perfect reconciliation to the Father through Christ; knowing our time as short to prove such remains (*1 Peter 1:24-25).

Friday, October 25, 2024


Today’s Thought “Why Awaken Me?” G. Ward

Psalm 51

For I know my wrongdoings, and my sin is constantly before me.
Against You, You only, I have sinned and done what is evil in Your sight,
So that You are justified when You speak and blameless when You judge.

And Lord God, intimacy with You – mandates our praise. The Prophet Isaiah referred to You as WONDERFUL because Your glory is matchless and whereas access to You confounds our souls; particularly as we look within, unfolding unfaithfulness and blatant disregard of Your commands – bowing low and asking that You alone be the Lifter of our heads. How excellent is Your patience and lovingkindness towards us, in having chose us before the foundation of the world You made and while it pleases us that the Holy One knows our name, may our meditations recall that our new image should reflect Your holiness. May our ambassadorship increase onto any, unified in Jesus and HIS gospel, eliminating blanket statements of praising You as a substitute for introducing Your love for those You’ve purposed to be called Your own and may their repentance delight in how our instruction furthered - keeps our eyes on the prize of Your salvation unto us, through Jesus, Amen.

Thursday, October 24, 2024


Today’s Thought “Me-ism” G. Ward

Mark 10:45

For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.

While self-centeredness is a natural component of every man; particularly as he awakens to addressing himself; it’s that practice that sparks a self-preservation unsanctioned (Phil.2:1-5). Believers, however. are compelled onto a spiritual displacement of routine through an investigative pursuit in how their Savior embodied life in earth and follow (Eph.5:1). We’ll (i.e., believers) look entirely peculiar onto a populous, even tagged extreme; because indifference against what’s popular equals ultimate intolerance; but encouragement continues as our Lord gave fine examples of imperfect ambassadorship found in others like us who endured and are now guarded by HIS eternal presence (cf. Matt.10:28). Keep pressing…

Wednesday, October 23, 2024


Today’s Thought “A Universe at Stake” G. Ward

John 3:16-17

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but so that the world might be saved through Him.


The Incarnate Christ (God in the flesh – John 1:1-3, 14) presented Himself in earth to attack righteously and compassionately, the issue of man (i.e., rebellion and evil -*Jer.17:9) and whereas we’ve been taught a subversion in defining these descriptors as solely belonging to the vilest of sinners, any (small or great) portion that can be named among us, indicts our guiltiness.

Our Savior however, stepped in, having stood in our stead, offering Himself as the Perfect Lamb of God; the Only suitable sacrifice for our deliverance. Such reprieve is too awesome for us who’ve placed our absolute trust in HIS directives; particularly because we know that those horrible descriptors (of earlier) belonged to us and now our days’ strongest desire is to share the wealth of such merciful kindness. This is not just an American message…

Tuesday, October 22, 2024


Today’s Thought “Locked and Loaded” G. Ward

Ezekiel 2

Then He said to me, “Son of man, I am sending you to the sons of Israel, to a rebellious people who have rebelled against Me; they and their fathers have revolted against Me to this very day.


Our message given, demands a death sentence to any who will follow our Lord’s lead. Christ would require those followers to bear a cross (indicative of an imminent crucifixion) and whereas HE set the tone in greatest sacrifice, HE’D call us accordingly (*Matt.16:24). We, who believe however, must portray the executioner as solely being the Word of God; for it is the regeneration responsible for death to life. When HE speaks to the depths of our soul and a practice onto obedience is established, fleshly desire is diminished (equaling what was rebellion) and the joy set before us increases overwhelmingly so. Moreover, mercy unto those unacquainted with such solace granted, demands we extend patience with love to these (unregenerated), until their reconciliation happens (cf. Ro.5:6-8).

Monday, October 21, 2024


Today’s Thought “No Turning Back?” G. Ward

Psalm 40:8

“I delight to do Your will, my God; Your Law is within my heart.”

While many attest that God is good, we must never insist/presume on HIS goodness as relative to what we think of as best for us (Isa.55:8-9). HIS Sovereign Way has predetermined our days (*Ps.90:12) and whereas our measure of time, along with its desperate trials – needing immediate rescue against the peace beforehand, there was never a guarantee it wouldn’t happen (Ro.8:28), but only desired our trust in HIM, while difficulties persist and when/if one adjusts (habitually) to the old “go to” it more reveals – that the device chosen has become your god.


Today’s Thought “No Turning Back?” G. Ward

Psalm 40:8

“I delight to do Your will, my God; Your Law is within my heart.”

While many attest that God is good, we must never insist/presume on HIS goodness as relative to what we think of as best for us (Isa.55:8-9). HIS Sovereign Way has predetermined our days (*Ps.90:12) and whereas our measure of time, along with its desperate trials – needing immediate rescue against the peace beforehand, there was never a guarantee it wouldn’t happen (Ro.8:28), but only desired our trust in HIM, while difficulties persist and when/if one adjusts (habitually) to the old “go to” it more reveals – that the device chosen has become your god.

Friday, October 18, 2024


Today’s Thought “Thanksgiving” G. Ward

Psalm 119:105

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.


I’ve discovered a constraint, unusual to natural sensibility, allowing a meditative process onto all the Savior has provided me and realize how necessary it is to deny myself (*Matt.16:24); for HE gave HIS all. There is however that shadow of darkness plaguing every man, attributable to his unregenerated soul, causing bouts of slippage, whereby the great practice in surrender (through repentance – Acts 3:19) acknowledges Christ as Lord and thereafter - diminishes daily as one increases in a substantive faith in Christ (Never letting go); while hating that portion entirely unbecoming to their new spiritual character. Oh, How I Love Jesus…

Thursday, October 17, 2024


Today’s Thought “Workers Are Few” G. Ward

2 Corinthians 5:20

 Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.


While our world teaches men to rely on systems unto a journey to be satisfied and whereas this quest is an age-old hunt that never culminated onto contentment – believers in Christ are convicted/convinced by an amazing grace afforded them; enough so, they believe there’s room at the inn for another and freely share (respectfully allowing this procedural instruction with patience, accuracy, availability and love). A true disciple is inevitably made by the Almighty and the world is blessed with another example in steadfast belief whereby words from the newest convert are few, but their actions speak volumes (cf. Jas.2:18-20) …

Wednesday, October 16, 2024


Today’s Thought “Pockets Filled, But an Empty Heart” G. Ward

Luke 16:13

“No servant can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.”


Whereas those serving as treasurers and other officers in the local church are generally those deemed financially successful, oversight of some devoted to our Lord is most imperative. The religious leaders in the day of Jesus would offer a similitude of God and wealth, as if to say wealth is favor from the Holy One; this would certainly cancel our Lord in earth, along with those 12 disciples HE’D choose in portraying HIS gospel; they weren’t rich by any stretch of the imagination.

It is written to thwart ideas of blessings contingent on perception of things and whereby we should exist in the substance of the Invisible (*Col.1:15), many times we’re more impressed with shiny things and people. Whether rich or poor, there’s a denominator in understanding that all need our Lord Jesus.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024


Today’s Thought “Fools Rush In” G. Ward

Proverbs 18:10

The name of the Lord is a strong tower; The righteous runs into it and is safe.


A song of old (Fools Rush In) is indicative of one who absolutely fell in love and knew a vitality necessary for him to thrive, included immediate marriage. Songs are primarily pertinent to self-love for these times, so contradictory to God’s Word (Phil.2:3-4, 2 Ti.3:1-2) and whereas this song could serve as a corollary to an intended love relationship with Holy God and encourage any to capitulate. A true encounter onto HIS grace and mercy can/will leave any (so undeserving – Ro.5:6-8) confounded in how can HE love me, despite all my flaws, yet so grateful HE does…

Monday, October 14, 2024


Today’s Thought “Sin in the House” G. Ward

John 6

28 Therefore they said to Him, “What are we to do, so that we may accomplish the works of God?” 29 Jesus answered and said to them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent.”

The gospel is paramount unto every era of mankind. It alone determines joy with peace on earth and guarantees eternal presence with the Almighty God (*i.e., when one crucifies their flesh (daily) through repentance; because of a practice established of owning themselves). Moreover, it won’t look to inaccuracies from other men, but will only seek to contrast this proposed new life against the Lord Jesus (anything less is foolish defense and pompous).

There’s peculiarity in believer-ship because it absolutely depends on our Lord, versus systems and its leadership (so wavering) and whereas our lives are replete with occupation and family, our greatest calling to fulfill is to make Christ known (incidentally, this won’t ever mean – knowing your politics, soon to pass away and for those who think Holy God co-exists with your ballots, REMEMBER, HE ALONE IS SOVEREIGN, HAVING NEED OF NOTHING!).

Friday, October 11, 2024


Today’s Thought “Modernity’s Failure” G. Ward

Revelation 21

And He who sits on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” And He said, “Write, for these words are faithful and true.” 


Everything that proceeds from our Lord’s script is significant and whereas HIS promises are numerous, including the authoritative measure when God ends Heaven and earth and because our mindsets are limited and whereas God’s Word is not comparable to dissecting a Shakespearian sonnet, but only spiritually discerned and must be studied thoroughly and accurately (1 Cor.2:14, 2 Ti.2:15), we also are compelled to write. This won’t mean our Lord ever will enable a newest testament for you, but that HE’D be regarded as Faithful; particularly as our eternality rests on that actuality.

Howbeit, that it’s become so rare that very few bring their bibles, pen and paper to services? Have we out grown God’s Word? Has it lost its relevancy, or has our belief (?)…

Thursday, October 10, 2024


Today’s Thought “Spanked Graciously” G. Ward

John 16

But I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I am leaving; for if I do not leave, the Helper will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you. And He, when He comes, will convict the world regarding sin, and righteousness, and judgment:

The Savior promised, became “God with us” and HE would endeavor a work miraculously unparalleled that reconciliation from sin would allow a love relationship with Holy God for us and whereas believers’ praise in such is ongoing, there’s periodic spiritual lapse (with all – Ro.3:23), whereby godly sorrow overwhelms our soul and when that regret occurs, desiring the comfort once experienced – we must never forget to thank God, the Holy Spirit. Keep Pressing!

Wednesday, October 9, 2024


Today’s Thought “Faithful Is HIS Name” G. Ward

Romans 3

What then? If some did not believe, their unbelief will not nullify the faithfulness of God, will it? Far from it! Rather, God must prove to be true, though every person be found a liar, as it is written:

“So that You are justified in Your words,
And prevail when You are judged.”


The Apostle’s listening audience would certainly derive from Abraham’s ancestral line, assuming their Jewish regard as safe passage unto Holy God and whereas both Testament’s (i.e., Old & New) contingency warrants repentance from man to the Holy One, Paul’s fortitude should be ours, particularly as he authoritatively demanded they know – no matter their convictions through a popular messaging that pervaded, ‘”we’re God’s chosen,” won’t ever mean knowing HIS works with periodic acquiescing thereunto as the requirement (*Eph.2:8-9), but to know every human is regarded a violator – until surrendered to the Lord Jesus (Ro.3:10).

Does HE know your name, remains the million-dollar question?

Tuesday, October 8, 2024


Today’s Thought “Highest Authority” G. Ward

 Isaiah 43:11-12

I, only I, am the Lord, and there is no savior besides Me. It is I who have declared and saved and proclaimed, and there was no strange god among you; So, you are My witnesses,” declares the Lord, “And I am God.


A savior is a deliverer; one esteemed by men through a valor significantly more than ordinary and whereas our Lord’s declaration insists all would know HIS surpassing Power as eternal – without looking to another, we stand amazed. Moreover, Christ as Savior provides in the similitude of the Father, granting a “best posture” for any who will follow and that position guarantees guidance in the weary land we’re exposed, while promising eternal life with HIM.

Some will view our theme as something that denies our Lord Jesus of His position given as our Advocate in glory, or even as contradictory of Him as Savior (Hebrews 1:3, 12:2; 1 Peter 3:22; Acts 7:55-56), but it affirms HIM as the Incarnate (i.e., God in the Flesh – *John 1:1-3, 14) and our newest spiritual view knows no other Conqueror…

That could mean that every social, civic and political interaction is weighed against this message of eternality (AND NO, THIS IS NOT VOTING YOUR OWN CONSCIENCE NONSENSE!).

Monday, October 7, 2024


Today’s Thought “Mirror, Mirror…” G. Ward

Proverbs 27:2

“Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; A stranger, and not your own lips.”


While believers should be concerned about what our Lord determines we ought to be and whereas HE builds our character according to HIS Word, particularly contingent on our absolute, daily surrender to that will, it’s to this end that others will marvel at our peace (John 14:27), craving such with inquisitive lips – whereby the generosity shown us that enables our Light to shine answers with availability; suggestive that nothing good exists in me apart from the Almighty and please allow me to take you to the throne of grace…

Thursday, October 3, 2024


Today’s Thought “Sound Doctrine” G. Ward

Titus 1

10 For there are many rebellious people, empty talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision, 11 who must be silenced because they are upsetting whole families, teaching things they should not teach for the sake of dishonest gain. 


I’m amazed each time I endeavor studying Holy God’s Word to witness mankind’s regression after thousands of years. Our world won’t dispute history so easily until it regards God’s Word. Unfolding its complexities grants some basic insights, while denying unbelievers in all it represents, revealing spiritual discernment (1 Cor.2:14). Thereafter, a reliance on other manuscripts that subvert its Truth becomes an unfortunate consideration, while sensationalizing newest (and unsanctioned) theorizing, so attractive to many - comparable to Satan’s challenge to the first woman (Ge.3:1-5), pervading doubt unto the terms of Holy God. Counteraction from the pain of heresy is only settled through a systematic study of God’s Word, otherwise, I’m potentially subject to odd clothes to wear, disassociation with most I love and ingesting a poisonous elixir that tastes like Kool-Aid.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024


Today’s Thought “Luxury Over Compact…” G. Ward  

Ecclesiastes 7

The end of a matter is better than its beginning; Patience of spirit is better than arrogance of spirit.


Absolute spiritual dependence on our Lord in everything is the daily goal for the believer and while there’s periodic lapse, meditations of HIS Word has been graciously implanted in the believer’s soul to bring us back to best directives (*John 14:26). Our journey (in earth) provided, builds on that to which ultimately satisfies, to never forget such temporal pleasures and devices so exhausting (cf. John 14:27) and whereas the “Rest” our Lord provides as HE builds us (Phil.1:6), keeps establishing peace furthered, this surrender becomes easier/greater (1 John 5:3), therefore recognizing a beginning  with numerous pitfalls, that often obscured travelling mercies – but have now become cruising in a 60’s model – “deuce and a quarter” (i.e., A Buick Electra 225).

Tuesday, October 1, 2024



Today’s Thought “Spiritual Reciprocity” G. Ward

Proverbs 19

17 One who is gracious to a poor person lends to the Lord,
and He will repay him for his good deed.


Surely it offends our Creator when/if we exercise oversight with those impoverished. We cannot talk about His attributes of love beyond the measure of any man, even while claiming how HE loves you and me and then called to be HIS witness, to then pervade a sectarian grace to others. Instead, we must testify to any socio-economic individual, with or without, and whereas those like me cannot monetarily satisfy housing payments (and other extreme debt), I have food and modest means that can allow for transport onto a particular destination. Let’s cease on this day provided, in arrogant assumptions and more mimic our Savior, through both sharing morsels of food, along with the Bread of Life (John 6:35).

Monday, September 30, 2024


Today’s Thought “Tossing and Turning” G. Ward

Psalm 28:2 “Hear the voice of my supplications when I cry to You for help, when I lift up my hands toward Your holy sanctuary.”

While many may seek to unfold some spectacular television show or enjoyment with a great novel of sorts, my insomnia (of times past) desired to fill my soul with something far more substantive, God’s word. *I want to be clear; I’ve suffered with insomnia many times before and like so many surfed more than eight hundred channels looking for the perfect movie, whereas there have been numerous times the quiet room was so very noisy with an inexactness as to what could be the problem and knowing, I just needed rest.

A real dependence on Who we regard as LORD must condescend from self-determinations onto a spiritual posture that grants peace and when that level of worship becomes the insistence for any that will endure affliction’s (i.e., anxieties of sorts) visitation (cf. Jas.1:2-4), it won’t conjure up an elixir seemingly sufficient, but enjoin themself unto Who is Omniscient and offers Himself in/through our moments of unrest.

Friday, September 27, 2024


Today’s Thought “Mercy: God’s Conduit Unto Us” G. Ward

Psalm 34:1

I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.


The pain of indecision, along with impetuous choosing can have a devastating effect and certainly has plagued me (many times) and if my motioning thereafter remains too busy, the unfortunate cycle continues, while unfolding faith in the Almighty as momentarily weak. Moreover, and because egoism fears failure, devising additional planning remains an unfortunate desperation (cf. Prov.16:18).

Instead, when my steps involve a spiritual plan each day that consults with Holy God’s plan (which allows employment and some enjoyment), devastations of sorts are minimized and desired intimacy increases understanding that when/if I fall again, an immediate return onto our Redeemer is warranted. Thank You Lord, for Your faithfulness!

Thursday, September 26, 2024


Today’s Thought “Spiritual Endurance” G. Ward

Job 31:4

Does He not see my ways, and count all my steps?

All the misery Job would encounter kept him perplexed and equally bothered, particularly in view of his not conceding to patterns of sin. He would begin chapter 31 unto Holy God with how he found the way of the Lord non-burdensome, more pursuing holiness; even with his eyes towards women. He would then highlight the dangerous plight of man to lead himself and understanding completely how our Lord rightly punishes those so unfaithful; but he, on the other hand sought righteousness; why then, so many assaults on his spiritual integrity (*Job 1:8-12)?

This account is relative to a proposed daily interrogation of our own soul provided by our Lord and rather pursue a contrast with Job’s effort, ours should only view the life of Christ, in how HE correlated to this world. Can we admit to having fallen miserably short of HIS glory? Moreover, could we do as well as Job, after suffering a litany of tragedies? Most feel as though they should be exempt from calamity of sorts, but that’s the world’s vain philosophy. Instead, and particularly as any can consult with mankind’s document of life (God’s Word), they’ll unfold a presence (indicative of HIS abiding with us) as believers that won’t relent; but it cannot prevail as one is with a pattern of sinfulness (*Titus 2:11-14) …

Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Today’s Thought “Letter Writing Campaign” G. Ward

1 John 2:1

My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous;


I’m recalling many years ago having heard that a friend suffered through a lack in moral consciousness that cost him freedom. I immediately sought an address of the institution where he was held and began writing words that could spur spiritual endurance, enabling freedom, while in chains.

As it’s incumbent on believers to portray a Gracious Savior, mercy must be our centerpiece; remembering “such were some of us.” Our Lord however, allowed us (as surrendered believers) many days to consort with HIM; particularly as we’d view HIS faithfulness amidst trials to never concede to sin’s eventuality (Ro.6:23) and our encouragement to others must never offer conciliatory devices that appease via statements entirely unauthoritative, sending some on quests of euphoria, while keeping them dependent on expressions (untrue) and anywhere they can find them (cf. *Ps.33:18).

Monday, September 23, 2024


Today’s Thought “Shaded Areas?” G. Ward

1 John 5:19

“We know that we are from God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.”


To believe is never enough, it must have the truest accompaniment; activity/works (cf. Eph.2:10). For any that believe in Holy God through Christ, that assessment begins with absolute surrender to HIS Word and whereas that practiced pursuit is daily, living in that spiritual realm becomes easier (each day presented – 1 John 5:3). Many others are aspirational at best, more believing they have time, or believing they’ll grow away from indiscretions unbecoming to our Lord. It’s opposite of trusting our Lord and while HIS patience may run out 5 minutes from, now, it’s a posture entirely dangerous – because repentance at the end, more thinks about avoidance of an eternal doom versus how Almighty God should get the honor and glory from our lives through denying ourselves - now (Matt.16:24). Why the many castigations are flourishing that yell hypocrisy, concerning the church, to insist their reasoning for unexcused discipleship and corporate gathering as acceptable, Holy God has designated a tag for them – children of Satan (NO SHADED AREA – 1 John 3:7-9, *10).


Today’s Thought “Red Shoes Worthy for the Journey” G. Ward

Hebrews 13:14

For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come.


There perhaps are not many given over to a strange land, residing for sixty, seventy, eighty years therein, and not anticipate a return; particularly when that city is free of sufferings (*Rev.21:1-4). Moreover, if a promise of that return came from an Authoritative One – demanding implicit trust from the one exiled, a daily contemplation of home will witness the stranger compliant to the Landowner’s contingency plan (Luke 6:46).

The Landowner of Jesus’ discourse is God (cf. Matt.13:27, 20:1, 11, 21:33) and HE most assuredly is with All Authority in whether eternity includes you and me. We cannot however, celebrate this land’s practices, calling all blessings; especially when our Lord refuses association with darkness (cf. 2 Cor.6:14) – and calling (through insistence) our lives to reflect HIS (Eph.5:1).