Monday, December 16, 2024


Today’s Thought “Window of Eternality” G. Ward

Colossians 4

 Your speech must always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person.


Whereas believers in Christ Sufficiency are too granted a variety of outlets to express issues concerning oneself and whereas they’re owned by their Magnificent Savior; deciding to imitate HIM in every endeavor, what are we imposing on a populous; particularly social media? Hypocrisy, has become an unfortunate mentionable for the believer (often justifiable) and perpetuated, because that tag is prompted by a view from some as they’ve identified a sunken morality by the many who say they believe. Moreover, the exacerbation of such (from these who say they trust the Lord’s Way), lends credence from these castigators as their view of an unrecognized heavenly blend onto worldly permissiveness continues, even with shameful rationalizations – again, unrecognized by the HOLY ONE and whereas true believers mostly pervade responsible convictions, along with pleasantries on social media, we’re devalued, while praying our Lord’s penetration unto myriads of cultures; even asking our Lord to use us, despite criticisms.

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