Thought “Hierarchal Insensitivity” G. Ward
5 And they do all their deeds to
be noticed by other people; for they broaden
their phylacteries and lengthen the tassels of their garments. 6 And
they love the place of honor at banquets, and the seats of honor in the
synagogues, 7 and personal greetings in the marketplaces,
and being called Rabbi by the people.
leaders of old, spiritually un-trained in righteous pursuits, thought of
themselves too highly. They’d dress in regalia indicative of a posture (i.e.,
self-designated), classifying themselves as higher than the commoner, while
insistent you call them by their religious titles. *Things haven’t changed much
and has served up a great deal more ruin than unity under the banner of the
ONLY RIGHTEOUS ONE (*John 14:6) and whereas HE was available to any, allowing
those in HIS presence to call HIM Jesus and touch HIM, and never needed a
security force, HE chose a nomadic lifestyle and had no physical emblems of HIS
royalty (*Isa.53:2). Who are you choosing to be your spiritual leader (cf. Eph.5:1-2)?
*For my
friends who’ll perpetuate excuse to why they won’t attend worship services
(because of clergymen pervading exorbitant lifestyles, while un-available); keep
sitting at home while discipleship happens for the spiritually prudent, waiting
for the end, so as to blame man for your disconnect!
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