Thought “Mission Accomplished?” G. Ward
4 Hear, O our God, how we are an
object of contempt! Return their taunting on their own heads, and
turn them into plunder in a land of captivity. 5 Do
not forgive their guilt and do not let their sin be wiped out before You,
for they have demoralized the builders.
Nehemiah is
a picture of perseverance onto the Almighty. He with many who were exiled from
their homeland would return to see utter desecration of the holy things, along
with a destroyed, magnificent Temple dedicated to our Lord - by an unruly people
proud in obtaining false gods. These enemies sought to plot great evil against
the rebuilders of what (perceivably) was far too monumental a task; considering
the destruction/decimation was comparable to a modern wrecking ball upon a
house; so, in essence the ridicule was seemingly just, but the devotion unto
Holy God from the re-builders was greater.
Our lives
can be likened to such rubble and next to impossible to re-construct (cf.
Eph.2:10), but the same God for Nehemiah remains the Ultimate Builder (*Phil.1:6).
As Jerusalem would soon flourish, respectful of the building process, we
(believers), as temples of the Spirit, are called to lay brick by brick (i.e.,
indicative of every passage in God’s Word), to ensure a foundation
incorruptible (*cf. Eph.6:24).
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