Thursday, April 28, 2016

Today’s Thought “Anticipated Visit” G. Ward

“Now His parents went to Jerusalem every year at the Feast of the Passover. And when He became twelve, they went up there according to the custom of the Feast.” Luke 2:41-42

Jesus the child grew as any child would. His parents however were selected to bear “God in the flesh” because their dedication to Holy God’s commands were unquestionably followed. The very practice of holiness was apparently the impartation unto their children (Pr.22:6). Parental insistence towards worship (more than on days they attend Temple) demands a devotion to associate with like-minded ones, enabling children to view great examples of what it means to know Holy God (cf. 2 Co.6:14). This is not to say a communal insistence similar to the Quaker’s reasoning was the Master’s intent (Deut.6:4-7, 1 Jn.4:4). Viewing non-exemplary ones is also a great and needed instruction unto children.

Theology yet remains the eternal science necessary to ensure that the babies are afforded opportunity in joy and peace. The discipline and parameters given unto parents rearing children must never seek to outsource a God-imposed responsibility. This generation of parents must extinguish a perceived notion of a sociological bar mitzvah for their children at any age and raise them righteously until they leave (prayerfully and directly after Pomp & Circumstance plays on the loud speaker at their high school graduation).

Happy Thursday!

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