Friday, August 10, 2012

Taking Rest

By noon, Elijah had started making fun of them, taunting, "Call a little louder—he is a god, after all. Maybe he's off meditating somewhere or other, or maybe he's gotten involved in a project, or maybe he's onvacation. You don't suppose he's overslept, do you, and needs to be waked up?" They prayed louder and louder, cutting themselves with swords and knives—a ritual common to them—until they were covered with blood.” 1 Kings 18:27-28 The Message

What exactly is “burn out” for the believer in contrast to the work ethic the Savior demonstrated (cf. 1 Pe.4:1-2)?
  Louis Pasteur (1822-1895), who Invented Pasteurization, once said, “Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goals: my strength lies solely in my tenacity.” 

In our pursuit of technological advancement (as personally innovative or through consumerism) hard work can be entirely frowned upon. Manufacturers of every kind are now seeking those individuals who can minimize what potentially can be viewed as arduous, while demanding efficiency. Arguably, this can translate into a greed instrumental in out-sourcing (employment matters) to third world countries and causation towards plummeting numbers among white and blue collar manufacturers.

More imperative is a contemplation of thanksgiving that would articulate, “I’m thankful for things as well as they are (knowing that many are even more depleted),” while adopting Pasteur’s epigram that could translate, any desired goal is never unilateral of hard work and produces tremendous dividends. Trust more in the Owner of the vineyard and work because of His enabling power through you (cf. Ps.37:5).

Happy Thursday!

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