Thursday, August 16, 2012


Today’s Thought “Maturity” G. Ward

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses.” 2 Corinthians 10:3-4

There’s a most excellent song popularized by Frank Sinatra; It Was A Very Good Year.  It chronicles a view regarding male relationships with females. This anthology speaks to superficial love.

 The song introduces a seventeen year old male, strongly anticipating a summer encounter with a young girl from a small town, whereby his visit would be made more complete as a result of the continuity shared. The song then records a similar view for his 21 year old mindset. As he grows older (still 21), he rationalizes the idea of interacting with city girls and his being tempted by their aromatic hair. Moreover, there’s an implied promiscuous ideology given that mentioned appearances as dramatically different once the couple shared in the moment. At 35, still a very good year seemingly, but now the young man values a woman more certain of her destiny. His interactivity with life’s flow (i.e. marriage becomes strongly entertained) is no longer a subliminal thought, yet moves frontal, due to his incessant exposure. He then culminates this song with having reached what is referred as an “autumn.” I must admit, I love the obscurity in songs of old! This autumn demands a better cognizance of the real meaning of life. Moreover, that in what was (bodily), sinks in a degeneration never witnessed at 17, 21, or 35 (cf. Ps. 90:10).

The progression of life need not include the level of frivolity expressed in this song. Our days can be excellent because our Heavenly Father created them all (Ps.118:24)! Seek to walk therein, so that the days will proclaim the sentiment, “it was a very good year…” Happy Thursday!

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