Monday, August 27, 2012

Hierarchal Rule

Today’s Thought Hierarchal Rule G. Ward

“It is a trustworthy statement: if any man aspires to the office of overseer, it is a fine work he desires to do.” 1 Timothy 3:1


To God Be The Glory Great Things He Has Done echoes from church house to church house. What now is it that subtracts from this discipline? I believe it’s man pursuit of notoriety that lends him trouble (cf. Mt.16:24). Why can’t he or she serve more inconspicuously?

Tell me about your Pastor. How is he perceived? The Prophet Hosea wrote about a people belonging to God perishing in faith because leaders failed them (Hos.4:6) in sharing unadulterated truth. The job now and then was to present the words form Holy God in a way to promote perfect obeisance (cf. Eph.4:11-12) for those desiring to know HIM. It must first begin with exemplary leadership (1 Ti. 3:2-4). When there is an insistence on titles like bishop, apostle or reverend that prefaces a surname given, it very well could diminish Holy God from getting the glory. What did the saints call Paul, Peter, James and John? I believe they all taught from the letter of God by seeking to raise OVERSEERS for churches. The translated word for overseer can mean bishop or clergyman. Unfortunately, we now have services that exact more of a hierarchal stance for those already designated overseer (how ignorant!).

My voice is said to be distinctive, having a deeper octave. Within our congregation there exists a little boy who was shopping with his mother in a local grocery store. I happened to walk in that same store whereby he replied to his mother, “hey Mom, there’s God!” He was referring to me. She later shared with me that although this was hysterical, it deserved some strong explanation (cf.Dt.6:4-7). If we’re not careful, we help in establishing more demagoguery amongst our overseers, than humility intended. There’s a fine line between honor and worship; be sure to remain on honor’s side. Moreover, please don’t write to me assuming I was suggesting you cease referring to these as reverend, bishop or otherwise. Call me anything, but late to lunch or dinner! Happy Monday!  

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