Tuesday, June 18, 2024


Today’s Thought “Flight from Danger” G. Ward

2 Peter 1

Through these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, so that by them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world on account of lust.


While missionaries for Christ are known for their visitation to undeveloped countries, many have ventured to magnificent cities throughout Europe and whereas seeing Big Ben and the Eiffel Tower may be on the menu of most, these choose to pervade Christ’s righteousness as comparable to an enthusiastic Maitre d’ so exquisitely presenting the  pie’ce de re’sistance onto patrons (*French for the main dish for a meal). Moreover, these believers/emissaries, seek to present our Lord as most favorable to follow. Many young people throughout Europe have proudly expressed they absolutely are without any religious affiliation, while perceivably enjoining themselves unto a morality unfounded; denying a blessed Hope onto generations to follow (Judg.2:10).

Question – Are there any missionaries here in America prepared to present HIM glorious, similarly? We too are quickly diminishing and spiritually lethargic, while many profess knowing HIM and mostly unavailable to HIS commands, while praising HIM for another day in mediocrity (*Matt.28:19).

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