Monday, November 9, 2020

Today’s Thought “Palliative Care” G. Ward John 15:19 “If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you.” Did Peter share how governmental support to believer’s cause would aid their promulgations of Christ sufficiency, or was the account of Jesus’ love for them, even up to giving His life for them enough (*cf. Ac.2:22-38)? When three thousand souls were added to the church on that day, their success thereafter rested in the Almighty, embracing fundamental teaching from the Apostles on spiritual duty. While Jesus walked the earth, He too mandated a proper scope for any followers of Himself; that they would maintain an obligatory obedience unto government without merger (Matt.22:21). Howbeit that we’ve now allowed a diluted message of hope to define the church? As if contention for our gatherings weren’t enough, we now are known for our politics, even hiding behind a few mandates of Jesus without being hidden by all HE said. The expansion of the church is marginalized through the many persuasions given against truest reconciliation and now believer-ship (presumed) has become more divisive by pervading politics along with the Savior, even up to sermons urging congregants to vote in accordance to their values as if there exists an inherent morality they’ve composed. THE GOSPEL STANDS ALONE, even WITHOUT societal measurement and echoes of prosperity. Eternality promised man should never discredit Life (Jn.14:6) via a false permeation of societal hope ever-evolving…

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