Monday, November 23, 2020

Today’s Thought “Conversation for the Dinner Table?” G. Ward Matthew 27 35 And when they had crucified Him, they divided His garments among themselves by casting lots. 36 And sitting down, they began to keep watch over Him there. 37 And above His head they put up the charge against Him which read, “THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS.” Mark Zuckerberg (Co-Founder and CEO – Facebook) is said to have recently denied what is Jesus’ instruction to His disciples on how to pray to the Father (i.e. The Lord’s Prayer = a most improper title) from being posted on Facebook and while some are up in arms, vehemently so, very few are willing to cancel their account. Zuckerberg and others like-minded, apparently are exhausted with attempts from the religious in promulgating what has become resolve tagged as do it exactly this way or you’re hell-bound. It furthers movements like taking the Christ out of Christmas or Ten Commandments at your local government offices and making abortion a political determinant. STOP! Have you not understood what they did to our Lord (*Jn.15:20)? While our conviction is Jesus as Lord, don’t forget that others could be on their way, but rendering evil for evil can’t be named among us in the commission given believers (cf. Matt.5:16). Saying Merry Christmas won’t save people. Our day witnesses everyone going to Heaven when they die without surrender thereunto (which cannot be true). If everyone places placards with the Ten Commandments on lawns, vehicles, etc., are they living in accordance to the commands (cf. Ro.10:14)? Thirdly, while our Savior remained apolitical and teaching as our Holy Director that led us to conversion, let’s recognize we’re compelled to become new, demanding compliance in accordance to how He walked, denying frivolous relationships to then kill the baby so as to hide the indiscretion; giving back what’s been given me by the Creator of Heaven and earth to some politician to legislate against regarding this abominable practice. People need the Lord. Placards, ballots and compliance onto a few commands of God won’t win unbelievers, the gospel does and when you substitute it with defiant voices, you subvert Truth. Try making yourself available to sharing with the Zuckerberg’s, not permanently condemning them; confirming God’s Word – “mercy triumphs over judgment.”

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