Friday, November 13, 2020

Today’s Thought “Categorical Misappropriating” G. Ward 1 Timothy 4:7 "Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives' tales; rather, train yourself to be godly." If I hear one more believer mention Karma, particularly as some actual concept while its actuality identifies with reincarnation, along with an existential life that determines my future fate (*cf. Heb.9:27). It sounds like the equivalent to “reaping and sowing” but misappropriated. The Lord’s intent was to gather those potential followers unto Himself (through agricultural familiarity) focusing on sin’s consequence. Our confession of the Savior as Lord witnessed Him having absolved that dilemma for us and although our struggle in bouts with the natural disposition occurs, we’re with a way out and that access in Jesus will receive our repentance. It’s Friday the 13th and horror has plagued the land once again. It’s equated with bad luck of sorts, seemingly harmless, but it more precludes the presentation called today as limited. Instead, we know (as believers) of its invaluable moment in the redemption from the Most High provided us that celebrates each day thereunto (Ps.118:24).

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