Monday, November 30, 2020
Today’s Thought “Charge It!” G. Ward
1 Corinthians 10:13
“No temptation has overtaken you except something common to mankind; and God is faithful, so He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it.”
Nine billion dollars was spent on this past Black Friday and today’s expectation (i.e. spending) on Cyber Monday is greater than last year and if Jesus was anything like us (Isa.55:8-9) He’d stand there confused about the season’s effort to honor Him by gifting everyone else. We’ve encountered December’s threshold to soon hear tremendous greetings in the marketplace and niceties extended one another that wishes all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to then forget acknowledgement of our neighbor thereafter.
The commonality found in mankind (that is his insatiable appetite for accolades of sorts) should avoid the mistakes of times past and will soon cry out onto the only recognition that counts to then find himself permanently miserable, because the Grantor of reprieve left the room (Pr.1:24-29).
Friday, November 27, 2020
Today’s Thought “Holiday Road” G. Ward
Matthew 1
17 So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations; from David to the deportation to Babylon, fourteen generations; and from the deportation to Babylon to the Messiah, fourteen generations.
Oh, the spirit of Christmas cards received and Vesper Services that gathers any onto remembrance of the Savior’s entry! Then comes the excitement in the weird anticipation of a desired gift expressed to those closest to us and awakening to a lavishly decorated box of sorts holding those chocolate diamonds, exorbitantly priced video game systems and overpriced sneakers.
We’re now exposed to some suggestive of not being in the Christmas spirit; translation, “I’ve spent too much on others in times past to receive very little or no reciprocity.” Moreover, they don’t even pick up the telephone to call anymore. Then the sentiment of the religious, “they took the Christ out of Christmas!” The “they” may truly be the “we” meaning those who give presents to others when it’s celebratory of Jesus’ entry for our redemption. Isn’t what has become the most self-absorbed (i.e. material) holiday that to which has been for a very long time? “Black Friday” empties onto broke Tuesday because of self-imposed forgetfulness that translates unfaithfulness and carols sung, elaborate decorations and greetings in the marketplace (unfounded in other seasons) vs. spiritual remembrance of Via Dolorosa (a processional route in the Old City of Jerusalem, Israel, believed to be the path that Jesus walked on the way to his crucifixion.) is forsaken. Can we do better (Jer.17:9)?
Thursday, November 26, 2020
Today’s Thought “Happy Thanksgiving Trump and Biden” G. Ward
1 John 5
3 For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments; and His commandments are not burdensome. 4 For whoever has been born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world: our faith.
Praise is a soulful tone as one gathers under a premise of joyful experience(s) in follow-ship unto their Object of faith and when that event is owned partly by you and me (i.e. believing in personal empowerment un-sanctioned – Jn.15:5), our voices won’t reach Heaven.
That’s how it is when our conversations embrace political victories and upsets (*Ro.13:1-2). It substantiates our faith in systems along with proposed dependence on Holy God (Ex.34:14). That doesn’t sound like how Jesus walked does it? We’ve had several occasions to witness Christ’s discourse at the dinner table and let’s also recall the politics in His time most certainly having disdain for His kind. Therefore, be sure to imitate the Savior's discourses; words that gather/unify.
You don’t have long to prove your faith and remember every day hereafter is also thanksgiving.
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Today’s Thought “Sage and Cinnamon” G. Ward
James 4
13 Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, and spend a year there and engage in business and make a profit.” 14 Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.
Views of automobiles lined up to receive food and pandemic monotony in the same have become commonplace and thoughts of my Dad’s forced introspection to his four children sought taking our mindsets from selfish to selfless by insisting we know of a place in the world called Timbuktu where there was food scarcity. Moreover and having grown up in the north, he would talk about the stray dogs and cats (for children this would tug at your heartstrings, particularly if you had a pet) who were left to the elements of fall and winter (emblematic of freezing temperatures). For our younger crowd, homeless hadn’t entered our common language then, as people cared for their own (Imagine that?).
While many of us are with a varied food choice on this week, enjoining ourselves to thoughts of tomorrow’s delicacies, be careful with your thanksgiving concerning all you have without intentional care unto those with less (Jas. 2:14-17).
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Today’s Thought “Heaven Knows…” G. Ward
Luke 4
24 But He said, “Truly I say to you, no prophet is welcome in his hometown.”
How gracious is our Lord in showing the way of endurance! When any are busy to demonstrate their importance in community without precedence through character and servitude, leadership is compromised.
There’s a spiritual banner to uphold that may witness very few with consideration of your journey in Christ; particularly as it concerns an unrelenting reliance on His words by doing what HE says. Prayer then becomes even a greater institution for perseverance and realizes that lonely truly doesn’t mean alone (*Matt.28:20).
Monday, November 23, 2020
Today’s Thought “Conversation for the Dinner Table?” G. Ward
Matthew 27
35 And when they had crucified Him, they divided His garments among themselves by casting lots. 36 And sitting down, they began to keep watch over Him there. 37 And above His head they put up the charge against Him which read, “THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS.”
Mark Zuckerberg (Co-Founder and CEO – Facebook) is said to have recently denied what is Jesus’ instruction to His disciples on how to pray to the Father (i.e. The Lord’s Prayer = a most improper title) from being posted on Facebook and while some are up in arms, vehemently so, very few are willing to cancel their account. Zuckerberg and others like-minded, apparently are exhausted with attempts from the religious in promulgating what has become resolve tagged as do it exactly this way or you’re hell-bound. It furthers movements like taking the Christ out of Christmas or Ten Commandments at your local government offices and making abortion a political determinant. STOP! Have you not understood what they did to our Lord (*Jn.15:20)? While our conviction is Jesus as Lord, don’t forget that others could be on their way, but rendering evil for evil can’t be named among us in the commission given believers (cf. Matt.5:16). Saying Merry Christmas won’t save people. Our day witnesses everyone going to Heaven when they die without surrender thereunto (which cannot be true). If everyone places placards with the Ten Commandments on lawns, vehicles, etc., are they living in accordance to the commands (cf. Ro.10:14)? Thirdly, while our Savior remained apolitical and teaching as our Holy Director that led us to conversion, let’s recognize we’re compelled to become new, demanding compliance in accordance to how He walked, denying frivolous relationships to then kill the baby so as to hide the indiscretion; giving back what’s been given me by the Creator of Heaven and earth to some politician to legislate against regarding this abominable practice.
People need the Lord. Placards, ballots and compliance onto a few commands of God won’t win unbelievers, the gospel does and when you substitute it with defiant voices, you subvert Truth. Try making yourself available to sharing with the Zuckerberg’s, not permanently condemning them; confirming God’s Word – “mercy triumphs over judgment.”
Friday, November 20, 2020
Today’s Thought “Advice Thwarted” G. Ward
Proverbs 11:14
“Where there is no guidance the people fall,
but in an abundance of counselors there is victory.”
What begins as an expression from another can often be uncertainty on how to feel regarding subject matter that falsely interrogates your ideas confirming their original thought and whereas both may appear logical in their stance, if it failed to echo an eternal sentiment, everyone was incorrect.
Things subjective can generally empty onto more divisiveness perpetuated, but when every matter is weighed against the attitude of Christ the objective is immediate conformity whereby idiosyncrasies in others become less visible. Truly “mercy triumphs over judgment.”
Thursday, November 19, 2020
Today’s Thought “I Need a Crying Towel” G. Ward
Matthew 5:4
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.”
Without proper interrogation of God’s Truth, this appears to more consider those grievous over someone, but this actually concerns the “something” and that consideration involves being absolutely broken about my sin(s).
The avenue where comfort exists is established on absolute disgust found in me that’s antithetical to the moral code I adore. When my soul abhors that wrongdoing, I’m then in immediate need for soulful reprieve and the natural disposition I have to offend is discoverable with everyone else, so I’ll need consultation with the only One who can turn this unrest into comfort and joy.
True repentance searches every activity of my being, denying things unprofitable, even compromising my eternality. Godly sorrow awaits so you too can be free (cf. Ps.51:10-13)…
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Today’s Thought “Ready for Eternity?” G. Ward
Revelation 22:20
He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming quickly.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.
Implicit faith in Jesus is difficult against the world’s demand of pleasure seeking principles from so many. It’s not difficult because desire for things and conditions plague us, but we yearn for the time to which their delight matches ours; to see Christ exalted over all. Moreover, a believer’s pursuit anticipates Jesus’ return, understanding it as “any moment.” Love for Jesus is loving His creation, so our receiving the Best, wants the same for everyone; particularly in view of their destiny as self-proposed through denial of HIM as LORD (*Rev.21:5-8). Therefore, stop with your plans for a few moments and plan for eternity (as this is the most vital decision ever). You must first ask yourself have I asked HIM to be my Savior. Calling Him Lord demands you’re no longer in charge. Secondly and with great reverence close your eyes and envision the throne of mercy and ask Him to forgive you for every sin (with confidence that HE will). In order that you don’t shrink back onto mediocrity, make a call unto one of your highest regard spiritually and ask them for accountability to grow in Christ; not in how much you know about Him, but adherence to every command to do what it says. Welcome to new life.
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
Today’s Thought “Available; Definition of a Spiritual Man” G. Ward
Colossians 4:2
“Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving.”
So many have prayed on our behalf at times of trouble and amazing comfort happened. The folks of old practiced mindsets in gratitude through expressions forgotten, thanking the Savior for enabling passage from danger seen and unseen. Paramount to prayers from some is the Lord’s care for us, whose superiority understands our frailty (particularly when we overwhelmed by trials of sorts) by providing His Spirit to pray on our behalf.
As sufferings are mentioned some 84 times in the New Testament, it may be necessary to continue a legacy provided us as we too are called to intervene for those troubled. Will you more give what you got?
Monday, November 16, 2020
Today’s Thought “Missing the Fellowship?” G. Ward
Ephesians 5
19 “Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your hearts to the Lord; 20 always giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to our God and Father; 21 and subject yourselves to one another in the fear of Christ.”
Our Creator made us to be social creatures and that inherent nature to assemble should affirm our gratefulness for His eternal presence and guidance for any deciding that He is sufficiently able.
Gathering with those insistent unto His omnipotence is the strengthening of faith that enables personal time’s defeat of mediocrity and while it’s amazing to have endured what now is 8 months without physical interactivity therein, yet celebrates Holy God’s omniscience from the beginning that knew technology in 2020 would lend enablement to the continuity proposed (cf. Heb.10:25). It now appears we don’t have long in what was our traditional approach to corporate worship; I’d invite you therefore to gird up your intimacy with Christ now, so as to become even more effective for that spiritual family awaiting encouragement in the same.
Friday, November 13, 2020
Today’s Thought “Categorical Misappropriating” G. Ward
1 Timothy 4:7
"Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives' tales; rather, train yourself to be godly."
If I hear one more believer mention Karma, particularly as some actual concept while its actuality identifies with reincarnation, along with an existential life that determines my future fate (*cf. Heb.9:27). It sounds like the equivalent to “reaping and sowing” but misappropriated. The Lord’s intent was to gather those potential followers unto Himself (through agricultural familiarity) focusing on sin’s consequence. Our confession of the Savior as Lord witnessed Him having absolved that dilemma for us and although our struggle in bouts with the natural disposition occurs, we’re with a way out and that access in Jesus will receive our repentance.
It’s Friday the 13th and horror has plagued the land once again. It’s equated with bad luck of sorts, seemingly harmless, but it more precludes the presentation called today as limited. Instead, we know (as believers) of its invaluable moment in the redemption from the Most High provided us that celebrates each day thereunto (Ps.118:24).
Thursday, November 12, 2020
Today’s Thought “This Is Jeopardy!” G. Ward
Jeremiah 23:24
Can a man hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him, declares the Lord? Do I not fill heaven and the earth declares the Lord?
We’re always flabbergasted to hear about the demise of entertainment moguls; enough so that it becomes a point in stoppage and most conversations circumvent the uneventful reality. The entertainment they (those deceased) provided invited our interrogating their personal lives, even marveling how similar our living is to theirs (as if they were citizens from Mars). Here’s what’s so utterly captivating; we’re overwhelmed when those wealthy with tremendous fame dies because subliminal, superficial desire violates living in accordance to existential reality and while saying we’re believers (i.e. trusting God as Provider), our faith is marred by visuals unattained.
Holy God only honors the heart of one available to His Infinite Wisdom and presence. Captivation unto people and things that fade away and tarnish must cease; particularly in view of the Only One worthy of praise at watch. We invite You Lord, to change our hearts…
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Today’s Thought “Waste Management” G. Ward
Genesis 1:26
Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”
I’ve noted more litter throughout our municipalities than ever before although trash receptacles may be in reach and remembering when some of us were children, burning elements of your weekly trash was required. Moreover, glass receptacles of sorts was commonplace, requiring pre-paid deposit along with trading old receptacles for new; giving way unto today’s recycling plan.
Our ever-evolving society demands convenience at the expense of future citizen’s air and water. Without premeditation our insistence for building, removes trees (responsible for our oxygen) from varied tracts of land to never consider circumventing the structure intended. Furthermore, we’ve maligned good health for everyone in that same vein (convenience over thoughtful consumerism), whereby disease relative to breathing has increased (with age transcendence). Altogether, our sins must cease a contrast with the vilest offenders, particularly when our bad contribution in ecological terms have become responsible in murderous proportion. Faith is difficult.
Monday, November 9, 2020
Today’s Thought “Palliative Care” G. Ward
John 15:19
“If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you.”
Did Peter share how governmental support to believer’s cause would aid their promulgations of Christ sufficiency, or was the account of Jesus’ love for them, even up to giving His life for them enough (*cf. Ac.2:22-38)? When three thousand souls were added to the church on that day, their success thereafter rested in the Almighty, embracing fundamental teaching from the Apostles on spiritual duty. While Jesus walked the earth, He too mandated a proper scope for any followers of Himself; that they would maintain an obligatory obedience unto government without merger (Matt.22:21).
Howbeit that we’ve now allowed a diluted message of hope to define the church? As if contention for our gatherings weren’t enough, we now are known for our politics, even hiding behind a few mandates of Jesus without being hidden by all HE said. The expansion of the church is marginalized through the many persuasions given against truest reconciliation and now believer-ship (presumed) has become more divisive by pervading politics along with the Savior, even up to sermons urging congregants to vote in accordance to their values as if there exists an inherent morality they’ve composed. THE GOSPEL STANDS ALONE, even WITHOUT societal measurement and echoes of prosperity. Eternality promised man should never discredit Life (Jn.14:6) via a false permeation of societal hope ever-evolving…
Friday, November 6, 2020
Today’s Thought “Blindly Striking A Match to My Own House” G. Ward
Obadiah 1
3 The arrogance of your heart has deceived you,
The one who lives in the clefts of the rock,
On the height of his dwelling place,
Who says in his heart,
‘Who will bring me down to earth?
Our war is said not to be against flesh, but the evil spirit that dwells within earth’s realm and only those spiritually sold out see it (1 Cor.2:14). Whereas nations have warred against one another throughout every generation, rarely are those keenly aware of the presentation of arms existentially, along with the horrid reverberation thereafter. Many familiar with religious wars that Holy God imposed seek presupposition concerning their participation in the same and whereas conflict is first established as indifference it germinates blatant hatred. May this nation realize the time to get this right is at hand, but will soon become permanent divide.
Thursday, November 5, 2020
Today’s Thought “Fight, In This Way” G. Ward
1 Timothy 2:1-4
First of all, then, I urge that requests, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made in behalf of all people, 2 for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. 3 This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who wants all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
All of our angst, vitriol and frustrations exist because of an inability to either persuade men unto conditions and attitude reflective of our own, or blatant hatred. Moreover, while any critique certain institutions, their failure to realize they too are on the sphere of scrutiny in the same by another self-appointed pundit critical of personal views from them. This madness violates tranquility.
Every man is part of God’s creation and His desire is perfect reconciliation in Christ thereunto. Believers are spiritual agents of this reconciliation and the magnitude therein is altogether too huge without supplication unto the Almighty concerning those frustrated and dispirited (cf. Eph.6:12). If/when our prayers remain continuous, even concerning the worst violators of righteousness, their subservience to the Most High may be imminent.
Wednesday, November 4, 2020
Today’s Thought “A Vote for Jesus” G. Ward
Psalm 118:24
This is the day which the LORD has made;
Let’s rejoice and be glad in it.
Do you think Heaven is on pins and needles, with cable news on awaiting election results? Better question, is God all knowing? Is governmental authority existent without God’s ordination? Does HE cause everything to exist even orchestrating sufferings?
You’ve voted your conscious, along with that which matches your value system and both choose one or two perceivably major issues concerning them, while everyone trusts in Washington over the Lord’s demand. Consciousness ought be dedicated to the Lord’s sufficiency and a value system lauding adherence to one or two transgressions found in the other side purport modern day Pharisaism (self-righteous or hypocritical - *Ro.3:10,23). None know Holy God through follow-ship of a few things and then relegating spiritual responsibility unto government for solutions. True believers just trust, rejoicing in their redemption and sharing with those unconscious of the Lord loving them, preparing the Way, so peace would be theirs also.
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
Today’s Thought “When I Grow Up…” G.Ward
Job 2
9 Then his wife said to him, “Do you still hold firm your integrity? Curse God and die!” 10 But he said to her, “You are speaking as one of the foolish women speaks. Shall we actually accept good from God but not accept adversity?” Despite all this, Job did not sin with his lips.
The greatest recognition from the Almighty regarding His created one unto the Accuser was, “Have you considered My servant Job (1:8-12)?” While viewing this in abstract, we preclude our faith cannot capitulate to such, even cancelling pursuit thereunto.
It’s given us that Heaven’s consideration would echo a similar sentiment. How dare any become so impressed with something entirely attainable from the least to the greatest? When being awe struck onto a witness in earth’s highest regard (*To be KNOWN by Heaven) occurs, speculation enters the room and hinders spiritual integrity and collapse when trials of sorts happen will soon rule out good judgment (*cf. Jas.1:2-4).
Monday, November 2, 2020
Today’s Thought “Caesar or Nero?” G. Ward
1 Thessalonians 5:22
Abstain from every form of evil.
Civic mindedness was once commendable an exercise to portray but now has posturing in presumed righteousness. One side insists their governance is best, while the others says theirs is more relative and caring. Seemingly inarguable, both sides govern according to the best of their ability and history demands it’s never been good enough (Judg.21:25).
The democratic process hasn’t always been available to all its citizenry and while the foundation pervaded on a segment of people embraced national documents by saying “All” were included, many groups were not (*inclusive of my lifetime). The marginalization therein was imposed on generations thereafter enabling both dissention and discord (cf. Gal.5:16-21). We’ve now emptied onto choice and the actuality of option loves particular characteristics of their partisan selection; but each (of the two major parties) have segments of evil and I as a believer have been called to absolutely NOT chose the lesser of two evils, but to never consider participating, period (Faith is difficult.).
The banners raised in futile speculation that says we’re on Jesus’ side because of the perpetuation in blatant murderous acts, while the others yell we care for the “less than” by offering equal opportunity through attainment of social services extended indiscriminately, forgets that the Savior opted for the Creator’s governance without waver.
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