Thought “Without Hesitance” G. Ward
Matthew 20:28
as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a
ransom for many.”
Perhaps you’ve witnessed the elderly upon their awakening?
Immediately, they engage the small light, to lie there without additional
electronics engaged while extended sounds in silence may indicate gratefulness
with tidbits of amazement of their surviving another day (particularly in view
of best friends and family having passed). Their abodes are meticulously
decorated with doilies on tables and numerous photos of some whose lives are
expressly busy, but find time to visit periodically (entirely on their terms).
Some of our seniors are fortunate to have personal
transportation whereas unwarranted visits to the grocery store more extract two
small items to obscure their loneliness. Then others are imposing (grudgingly)
on transport services or superficial acquaintances (awaiting their deaths with
contemplations in being a recipient unto a will/trust) and although their
desire is to begin early, they’re at the mercy of those seemingly benevolent.
There’s special care that lends comfort to the dejected (1
Pe.5:7). That care translates presence with certainty (Heb. 13:5b). The
scenario above although sad, challenges carriers of Truth to find
(intentionally so) another needing care and then to offer both presence and
sacrifice until the one shown mercy can exercise in the same can then meet the
spiritual similitude that Christ offered (cf. Matt.16:24).
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