Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Today’s Thought “Nominally Yours” G. Ward


For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires,  and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.” 2 Timothy 4:3-4


Poltergeist, the movie was a thriller! It dealt with great mystic. In a sense it was the visual of a childhood nightmare. Outside of the children watching television and it going blank (or producing a snowy effect) I don’t remember much concerning the storyline. I do however remember that little scary girl’s infamous line that introduced the ghosts; “They’re Here!”

The Apostle Paul sought to warn young Timothy of such mystical proportions. He promulgated a time when many would deny unadulterated truth and only consider what appealed to their own selfish desires. Some modern day preachers are more/less the snake charmers or fortune tellers of the past. Others have bibles open while sharing a discourse, to then walk away from it teaching an ideology that’s distant from the consequence of sin (i.e. motivation speakers at best).

We’ve encountered the word of God enough to know that every prophet, along with those patriarchs in the apostolic age shared warnings and pronounced judgments (famine and pestilences) at the expense of great ridicule, ostracization, beatings, scourging, stoning and death.

Question? Was the moral climate better in those days vs. now? Then why are we hearing this narcissistic garbage of modern man being owed something in view of his un-reconciled behavior (cf. Ro. 3:10)?

Happy Wednesday (Are You Going To Your Mid-Week Services On Tonight – PRECISELY!)!

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