Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Today’s Thought “Good Cop, Bad Cop” G. Ward 1 Corinthians 2 1 And when I came to you, brothers and sisters, I did not come as someone superior in speaking ability or wisdom, as I proclaimed to you the testimony of God. 2 For I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified. Our worst reliance on seeking to impress others goes back to the illustrious “Easter Speech” when we were children. Much practice was given over to this great demand. We almost pottied on ourselves with thoughts of standing in front of many to recite someone’s words not meaning so much to us and then to make it even worse, our parents were looking at us with a threatening presence that insisted we say it exactly like we did in the kitchen. Well, it happened and everyone smiled and some applauded; the butterflies departed and we went away and ate our Easter candy, hopeful that Easter be cancelled the next year. Many of those same children who were eloquent then, became preachers based on the applause of man. They were able to stand in front of the masses and proclaim Jesus as Sufficient, while trying at being sufficiently perceived themselves; particularly as the “Amens” from many would celebrate such words of inspiration, spoken so eloquently. There are however, questions from those of us who know “Truth” that asks, “now who gets the glory? Is it you, or the Lord?” We must remember that our seeking to impress others can/should never be the objective. The Word of God is said to be “sharper than any double-edged sword.” God’s Word is powerful, not only to give life, but also to deliver warnings and bring judgment and punishment to the disobedient. God’s living Word is not something to read or listen to passively and then forget. James taught Christians to look “intently into the perfect law that gives freedom” and to focus on it by doing what it says. What does it ever say about man’s theatrical production of it? Does he have some kind of endowment to make it more powerful? We must remain watchful as to our “Amens”! They can’t just exist when those words from other men sound spirited, particularly when those other men fall horribly short of our Lord’s Power. Lord God, may Your receiving glory and honor no longer contain a mixture of praise for the sayer along with You; but may we be amazed in You speaking to us, despite our wavering mindsets that can often seek to be entertained, even as we seek to pray for an awakening with those ministers feeling they must be vessels unto popularity, versus a coming out of the wilderness wearing animal skin phenomenon, prepared to share the only message of hope. Father God, we’re thrilled to learn of Your Way that transcends our perspectives and lends assurance to our journey now, that most certainly won’t compare with the eternal posture soon to be realized; the one You’re preparing us for. May Your Name be praised by all, through all, because of ONE – King Jesus! Amen and Amen.

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