Today’s Thought “Campus Crusade?” G. Ward
Psalm 119
89 Forever, Lord, Your word stands in heaven. 90 Your faithfulness continues throughout
You established the earth, and it stands.
I read about a church in England whose
pastor sought to embrace an annual festival’s appearing in his district that
attracts thousands who’ll pass their place of worship; so, he insisted they
install beer dispensaries so as to capitalize monetarily, while pervading ideas
of being an all-inclusive faith facility. He stated (shamefully), “What I say to them is that this is just
part of our way of welcoming all sorts of people into the church, above all, we
want people to come in and have a positive experience of their time here. Many
people don’t come into the church building at all, and actually, if people come
in and have a great time at a festival event, then who knows, maybe they’ll
come in for something else as well when we put it on.”
Word will not change, along with remaining spiritually relevant. Those who
trust in Holy God’s transcendence (i.e., HE is beyond our experiences and
perception as Sole Creator.), understands our living must abide
in the spiritual makeover in the faith HE imposed – “Man shall not live
on bread alone, but on every word that comes out of the mouth of God” (Matt.4:4) and whereas there’s periodic
lapse of this actuality, even with believers, that settles on similar
compromising mechanisms (e.g., fairs, festivals, great concerts), often
adherent to secular visuals, inviting (seemingly) onto the masses, those same
outsiders will appreciate our hospitality, but won’t relinquish their quests
for additional venues equally or more appealing. In other words, you won’t win
anyone to your fellowship, while compromising your ongoing sanctification.
Truth (John 14:6) presented remains the ONLY way onto real growth (i.e., not
numerical, nor popularity’s stance, but Blessed Assurance) …
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