Thursday, August 31, 2023

Today’s Thought “Can God Use Me?” G. Ward John 8 31 So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, “If you continue in My word, then you are truly My disciples; 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” Whereas the joy of marriage includes an intimacy beyond the scope of physicality, it’s what establishes trust of One who will witness (with tremendous care) most vulnerabilities in the fullness of this foundational relationship; that even looks beyond them (i.e., faults) and meets needs. Christ invited those disciples then (and now) onto this unrelenting reality; but if we (the bride of Christ) forsake such intimacy, allowing secondhand knowledge of HIS generosity that shares how much HE cares, trust in what HE says is marginalized. Many awaken to periodicals and spiritual songs others have written and sung; our Lord desires a love relationship with us (in a gracious, personal sense), yet so many train up in what they can see and touch (cf. John 20:26-28), rather than the terms of belief required by us unto HIM so supremely more than anything. I recommend Jesus and prudent investigation of HIS words (as an established practice) which builds faith, while a continuous search of only those perceived melodious portraits keeps you distant from ONE so near (cf. Ro.10:8).

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