Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Today’s Thought “In the Laboratory, Again?” G. Ward Genesis 1 28 God blessed them; and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” Apple, the world's largest technology company, has broadcast another costly device soon to be available to the public and while it appears to be a facsimile of Meta’s Oculus (a goggled, game headset), it’s far more. They’ve received 500 new patents to ensure their superiority remains. This device (Vision Pro - $3500) will pioneer “spatial computing” and whereas my Apple cellphone is a basic one, without a number attached (that I’ve had for years and will hang up on you when it gets ready), it will fall apart before I consider another. Many lie in unrest with technological advancements as such, while enjoying air conditioning in their homes and cars, along with having more than 3 to four television channels (as it was when I was a boy). Our God sanctions science; as HE is the Master Scientist, giving us a rightful interrogation/exploration of things that could be beneficial to mankind (*Phil.2:3-4). So many instead, are on great quests (individually) that bolsters their own selfish regard and it too breeds and the fruit of its labor more creates an unavailability to who is any’s neighbor (Lev.19:18), along with another patent (of sorts) soon applied for by another, replacing a laborious effort given by one…

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