Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Today’s Thought “Militance, Inside the Establishment” G. Ward Judges 21:25 “In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” While governance for every sector of the world is important, doing what is right must be the aim of every believer, even with leadership could be morally deficient. Moreover, to wait on a legislative process to institute in doing so, will/can ultimately invite regret, placing its victim in dire straits (perhaps body and soul, cf. Matt.10:28). Our best governance is from the Lord; going beyond good and bad leadership and those commands won’t disappoint, while containing the highest demand transcendent to every man-made document written; granting peace for the practitioner. Let’s be reminded on each day granted, that those outside of spiritual governance are doing the best they can unto what’s been given them and while we insist they should know better and whereas the Word of God is spiritually discerned unto those who absolutely trust HIS directives, we have been called to present a concise explanation of this timeless Truth (Ro.10:14). Only then can a predominant thought seemingly acceptable be extinguished for a life meant to honor Holy God.

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